Chapter 2

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"Anyways, what are you doing up so early?" I asked him and sat on a chair directly across the table. "Don't you get up at five?"

"Uh, nightmares," he informed me and scratched the back of his neck and turned his head to peer out the large windows. "About the stuff that happened."

"Oh, that stuff? Pssh, I've seen worse. Been through worse," I said to  him as my smile fell into a frown. "Some of us learn to move on. Stop complaining."

"Yeah, you're right," Kacchan replied, but then muttered. "Some."

"Don't get so grumpy, Kacchan," I outstretched my arm and waved my finger a few centimeters from his face before gently placing it over his chapped lips. "What did I tell you? I said that if you need any help, that you can always come to me-" the smile on my face reappeared "-and that you don't need to ask anyone else for help."

"Yeah," he muttered, his eyebrows furrowed as he stared at his hands which were grasping his mug so tightly I feared it might break. Kacchan cleared his throat and raised his head to look me in the eyes. "Yeah. Thank you."

"Oh, of course, Kacchan. Anything for you," I continued to smile at him and began popping my fingers. "Get me some coffee." Though he hesitated a bit longer than I would like and I snapped at him. "Now."

He rapidly nodded his head and backed away from the table. His head was bowed down to stare at the floor as he walked into the kitchen. By the time he disappeared from my view, his chair had stopped teetering from the force of him leaving it.

After what had happened between Kacchan and the league, the boy was still skittish. More so than I liked him to be but it would do. His normal uninhibited personality declined, turning him into nothing but a mere, quiet shell of what he used to be. Like an attack dog with a muzzle, left with neither bark nor bite.

It would take a superfluous amount of time, but I'd have him sorted out in no time. Someday (soon I should hope) Kacchan would be a cold, ruthless, killing machine, and all of my work will have paid off. Everything was going according to my plan, something I had thought of the night previous, something beautiful and terrifying for the people of Japan.

"Here you go, Deku," Kacchan said, his voice barely above a whisper, and sat another white mug in front of me. "Uh, um, I'm going to go get ready. And go work on the..." He trailed off and walked back up the stairs, his head still ducked down as he glanced back at me.

It was nearly half past four, meaning Iida, Kirishima, and Uraraka would be up in half an hour for our daily run. Bakugo would return with them, as he had promised Kirishima to continue going out of runs with him. The red head had reasoned that he liked to keep an eye on Kacchan, though we all knew the reason was beyond that.

I continued to sit and drink my coffee, thinking that I might as well work to perfect my plan whilst I waited for them.  During the night I had started my outline, what I wanted to do, who was going to die, and the sacrifices. Though I was yet to account for dates, Kachan, and other things such as how I would kill such people.

"Hey, Midoriya!" Someone (Kirishima likely) yelled at me. " You ready? We're gonna be leaving in a few!"

"Of course I'm ready," I replied and stood to take my mug to the kitchen. "Just a minute. I'll be right there."


625 words.

Sorry that this is late. Didn't have any wifi to upload.

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