Chapter 19

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"Is that him?" Someone yelled in our direction. I guessed that one of them nodded or something because soon after, they started calling out to some other people. "Guys, they got him!"

I heard some whoops and hollers, the voices morphed by a phone or another communication device. A few of them I recognized: Kirishima, Uraraka, Kaminari. The others I couldn't hear well enough to name.

"Where is Recovery Girl?" All Might asked the moment my classmates cheers had calmed down. "He really needs to be treated."

"Um yeah she's-" their voice cut off and something fell to the ground. "Oh shit he looks pretty bad."


The person seemingly regained their senses and continued on with what they were going to say previously. "It would probably be faster to show you."

They dashed off, their footfalls silent, and All Might followed in pursuit. Much to my surprise (as things tended to do at the time), I wasn't jostled all that much. 

Cool air blew across my body as the school's front door opened and All Might ventured inside. The air felt pleasant against my leg for a moment, the next it felt as though I were thrown back into hell (just slightly cooler than previously), and took the fall on it alone. 

At that point, I also noticed that I was sweating. My clothes were moist and crisp against my skin with the help of the air conditioning. Then I think the discomfort bothered me more than any of the actual pain I was feeling. 

We continued on our merry way down several horrendously long hallways. I didn't remember Recovery Girl's office being so far away the last time I'd come. The last time I checked, her office was on the first floor instead of the second. 

Our journey finally came to an end as out leader opened a door with a soft click, and another click as it was closed. I was set on a bed and I soon felt Recovery Girl's warm hands on my face.  

"Oh dear this boy gets himself into so much trouble," the old lady whispered, her voice slowly getting quieter as she moved away. Again I felt her hands, this time on my shin. "Do you know what happened?"

"We're not exactly sure yet," All Might told her. "But we brought him here as soon as we could because he looked bad."

"You didn't have to be too worried," she said, writing something down. Another report on me likely. 

"Ma'am, those burns look extremely bad."

"Yeah, they look bad," Recovery Girl told him. Her hands came in contact with my leg again, propping it up and putting some type of container under it. Cool water gently fell onto my wound. "It's a second degree burn bad enough to make someone go to a usual doctor. Now hand me the baby shampoo."

"Yes ma'am."

"Midoriya, open your eyes. Make sure to keep them open, I'm going to pour water into them," she said. I did as told and a blurry form came up next to me. 

Another, much larger blurry form (All Might) came up on the other side of my bed, and handed Recovery Girl something. She took it, and soon began rubbing the baby shampoo on my face and down my forearms and hands. One of Recovery Girl's assistants took to helping with my leg, spreading some type of cream over the burn. As soon as they were done, Recovery Girl placed her hands on my face again, and kissed my forehead. 


"Hey, man!" Kirishima yelled as the door to Recovery Girl's office burst open and hit the wall with a bang!

"Be quiet shitty hair," Kacchan whispered violently to his counterpart. I heard a light thwack and Kirishima gumbling. "Don't fucking wake up Deku."

"Too late," Kirishima whispered, a light smile on his lips as he pointed to me and my wide eyes. He quickly walked over to me before Kacchan could whack him again. "How are you doing man?"

"Better I guess," I told him, my voice raspy. "Tired."

"You slept forever," he told me, dragging out the word just to make sure I got the point. "How are you still tired?"

"Second degree burns generally take about three (sometimes more) weeks to heal," another voice spoke from the door. Todoroki continued with his statement as he came closer to stand at Kacchan's side. "A couple of hours isn't that bad."

"As if you'd know Half-and-half," Kacchan grumbled as he turned to leave, making sure to bump his shoulder into Todoroki's with enough force to send the taller back a step. He slammed the door behind him and Todoroki just stared at the door with the bitch-are-you-serious face. You know the one. 

"Uh, sorry about that," Kirishima said, his gaze still planted on the door. "He's been having a rough time. Almost seems like someone pushed the reset button on him." Then, in a much quieter tone. "He doesn't even want to talk to me anymore."


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I hope you guys didn't mind my week long hiatus. It was much needed, and I'm doing better. I was just a bit stuck. This would've come out on time but editing the last, like, 8? paragraphs triggered my anxiety for some reason. 

Anyways, I started a Haikyuu headcanon book on my own account (I share this one with a friend). My account is YeetItsAlex.

I also started reading a Bokuaka fanfic and wanted to recommend it.

Rules, by ConesOfDunshire on Archive of Our Own.

I hope you enjoy as much as I have been!

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