Chapter 11

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"Hey, Deku!" Uraraka called out to me in her ever cheerful voice as she waved me over. "We were getting kinda worried about you!"

"Oh, I just had to tell Mr. Aizawa some stuff," I explained to her.

"What were you guys talking about?" She asked and munched on some toast.

"I had some info about what happened."

"Oh gosh, Deku!" She exclaimed with wide eyes and a gaping mouth. "Are you okay?"

"Oh yeah. I'm perfectly fine, just kinda," I paused to think of the word. "Surprised?"

"Of course it's surprising," Iida injected into the conversation. "This school is supposed to have great security!"

"Well apparently, it doesn't," Shinso deadpanned from behind me. "I would've thought better for your dorm at least since you're constantly being attacked by villains."

"I doubt it was villains though," Todoroki stated.

"What makes you say that?" Uraraka asked him.

"We don't know of any villains with transformation quirks, it would be extremely difficult to get onto campus unless they looked like someone here," Todoroki concluded and downed the rest of his water.

"That's really scary! To think you knew someone really well and then they do something like that!" Uraraka pressed her palms to her cheeks and squeezed her eyes shut.

Oh sweety, you don't even know a fraction of it.

"Calm down," Iida stated in a calm, even voice. "Don't jump to conclusions. Just hope for the best for now."

Despite Iida's protest, we continued to talk about it. Everyone kept trying to state who they thought it was, but most of them gave crazy stupid reasons in what seemed to be a light-hearted attempt to cheer themselves up. Though many people legitimately thought Bakugo did it.

It was very amusing. Especially considering the culprit was off somewhere, probably eating glazed donuts and happily painting their nails. That was beside the fact the their accomplice was amongst the victim's friends.


We ended up spending the rest of the day in the cafeteria. It wasn't all that bad but a few fights almost broke out and it was obvious that everyone was getting irritated. The other classes were allowed to go back to their own dorms but my class would have to wait until Mineta's body was moved and the smell was relatively gone. 

That time was a few minutes after midnight. Only a few police officers and the chief of police was left at the time. They must have had any information they needed for the moment because they let me continue on my way.

I did see Present Mic in hand cuffs as I was heading to my room though. That almost made me smirk. I'd won this round, and I'd most definitely win the many to come. 

As I closed my door behind myself, I got an idea and fished my phone from my pocket.

Me: Guess what

Shinso: Do you have any idea what time it is?

Me: We got him. Mic's in the lounge with handcuffs

Shinso: Good for you. I'm going to sleep.

Me: Nighty-night Shin!

Shinso: I hate you so much

I deleted the messages and sent a text to Uraraka wishing her good luck through the night and telling her if she needed anything to ask. She replied with similar statements and a good night. 

As I am about to turn off my phone for the night though, there's a knock on my door that became more urgent with each passing second. I open it to see a shaken Aoyama and relatively disturbed Tokoyami. 

"What's wrong?"

"We got these notes on our desks," Aoyama explained and held out a folded piece of paper.

"We came to see if received one as well," Tokoyami finished for him. 

Nightmares become sheer
Watch your back succumb to fear
Your worst phobias are here

Hey! Ya wanna play
Sanity will have to stray
Problems go away

Join us if you dare
We kill so kindly prepare
Please sign if you care

Will you state reason
Tonight it is in season
If not it's treason

I tried not to grimace at the profound note. "Let me look," I told them and glanced at my desk, seeing a note laying atop it. "Yep. We should probably show them to the police while they're still here. I'm going to check on everyone else."

They both nodded and took off in a jog to the stairs before disappearing down them. I took off after them and ran up the stairs and stopping at Kouda's door. I clenched a fist and aggressively knocked on his door.

He slowly opened the door as I asked him. he nodded and retreated to his room to grab it. I read it over real quick and went to wake everyone else up. After beating on Kaminari and Iida's doors, it seemed like most everyone was awake as well. 

"You guys got notes too?" Kirishima yelled over the bustle of students rushing around to compare the stupid things. 

"Yeah," I yelled back at him. "We should see if they all say the same thing though!" 

"Everyone be quiet!" Iida yelled over us. "It would be easiest for one of us to read it aloud and see if anyone comes up with different!"

He then went to read over his. The people around me nodded in agreement as Uraraka held hers in the air and stated otherwise.

"What does it say?" I asked her calmly.

"Your time has drawn near, watch your back succumb to fear, we will end you dear," she told me in a shaky voice, barely above a whisper.


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