Chapter 20

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Todoroki wasn't one to talk much (he only did so when he needed to), but he did know when speaking was best, and somehow knew exactly what to say. 

He set a palm on Kirishima's shoulder, and said, "Give him some time. He'll likely come back to his senses after everything calms down."

"Not if I have anything to do about it," I thought. 

Kirishima quickly wiped at his eyes with the backs of his hands before looking up. "Thanks man."

Todoroki just nodded and leaned back against the wall behind him. The room went silent for a few moments before I decided to speak up. 

"Hey, do you guys know how Yaoyorozu's doing?" I asked them, watching intently for any change in their expressions. While Kirishima immediately brightened up, Todoroki stayed neutral with his eyes closed. 

"She's doing much better!" Kirshima answered cheerfully, past problems seemingly forgotten upon the change of subject. "When she first came in, she wouldn't even talk to anybody and just kinda went off on her own. We got her back out into the common room with us now though!"

"That's good I guess," I said, a small smile concealing a more sinister grin. "I really hope she gets the help she needs though. She's not in the right state of mind."

"She's getting better though," Kirishima said, his expression dropping just slightly. "What do you mean about saying 'I guess' though?"

"Like I said, she's not in the right state of mind," I told him, my voice dropping so that if there were any other students awake in the room or people passing by, they wouldn't hear. "She did some really bad stuff."

"Huh? Fighting villains is supposed to be what we do," Kirishima said, raising a hand to scratch his head. His eyes squinted and his mouth didn't close all the way in his pause. "I'm not completely sure what happened, but from what I've heard, she needs help getting through the mental problems the attack caused her."

"Did what you heard come directly from her?" I asked, forcing my eyelids wider in mock surprise. "She said that it was a villain attack?"

"No," he admitted sheepishly. "It's more of what the pros assumed to have happened I suppose. They left out the part about it being an assumption though."

"Oh. shouldn't they wait until they have actual evidence to put out information? Especially considering how serious this is."

"That's what they usually do," Todoroki cut in, his eyes still closed as when he was jsut listening. "When there only evidence is the word of those involved, the listener may change it. In this case it works. Anybody to attack someone else would be considered a villain, so it was a villain attack."

"You really know a lot about this kind a stuff, huh," Kirishima stated, the surprise of the other's answer clear on his face. 

"Yeah, my brothers would steal my shit all the time when we were small," Todoroki explained. Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw Kirishima's expression fall again as his previous astonishment had fled. "Whenever my mother told my father what happened, there was always some change to it so there wasn't as much trouble. Didn't work out very well for her in the end though."

Kirishima gave him a concerned look, feeling the shift in mood. Though just as he opened his mouth, the entry door burst open. Uraraka, Iida, and Aoyama.

"We came as soon as we heard you were awake!," Uraraka informed me as she ruched my way. "We're glad to see that you're alright."

"Yep, doing good," I confirmed, giving her a bright smile and two thumbs up. "Still tired." I added in.

"You were asleep forever though," Uraraka said, flabbergasted. 

"That's what I said," Kirishima said excitedly, his pointy teeth flashing through his smile. 

As time went by, more and more of my classmates surrounded me. They didn't reach their full capacity (leaving out those who had died and those who I assumed no longer trusted me), but seeing all those that remained loyal to me was nice. The fact that only nine people still liked me did dampen my mood some if I had to admit though.

Everything was going swell. Kirishima went back to the cafeteria to get some food. Todoroki and Iida nearly got into a fist fight with Bakugo when the blond attempted to peacefully (in Bakugo's standards at least) passing be. Koda had a mental breakdown and had to leave upon the sudden realization that he had no idea where his bunny was. Yeah, everything was going pretty well until Nezu arrived. 

"My apologies upon ending your meeting short," the rodent told us. "But I have a detective here with me that needs to speak with Midoriya."


801 words

We have nearly as many reads as there were originally on the first 5 parts! I'm excited to see how many this will get up to!

Anyways, regarding the cover change. I couldn't find the artist to the work, and most other works I actually wanted to use. It might actually stay like that though cause why not.

See you guys next week!

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