Chapter 16

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I lead Yaoyorozu deeper into the alleyway, our path steadily getting darker. Yaoyorozu began humming gently to the  beat of her nearly silent footsteps. As we continued on, there was hardly any light and the girl's humming ceased.

"Are you sure that we should be this far from the others? If I'd known it was this far, I would've advised you to wait until later when one of the teachers could help, or brought someone else at least."

"It's not really that far," I assured her, though my tone most definitely force most to assume that my assurance was not to be trusted. "Just a turn to the right and it'll be there, then we can leave."

"I trust you, Midoriya," she said. 

I began to wonder if she had ever read any horror books or watched any movies in the same genre. Thrillers might've even been enough to teach someone that following someone you barely knew into a dark alley. Even so, her parents should have taught her that. 

"Here we are," I said as I began to look around, my thumb and index finger held against my chin. "That's odd."

"What's odd?" Yaoyorozu asked as she stepped to my right.

"It's not here any more."

"We should head back then. Every second we stay increases our odds of not being able to get back to the group," she said, turning to leave, although, I could still feel her eyes on me. 

"I guess it would be way too late for you then," I told her, the corners of my lips being pulled upwards. 

"What do you mean by that, Midoriya?" She asked, slowly, I heard her soft footfalls coming towards me.

"Well, what do you think I mean?" I asked her as I turned to face her. "It should be evident."

"Midoriya, you don't have to do this," she said, arms raised in front of her with her palms facing me, as if I were some type of animal. She slowly (too slowly) began stepping backwards, away from me. "You can get help!"

"If I wanted I wanted it, what exactly would they do to help me, huh?" I took a step in pursuit of her, then another, following her like a leopard hunting a gazelle. "If I'm lucky, I'd be locked up and everyone would forget that I ever existed."

"You don't have to hurt people though! You wanted to be a hero right? Then be one!"

"Why would I want to help the world, when everybody turned their backs on me? And then screw me over some more. No thanks."

Yaoyorozu had backed up far enough to see the alleyway in which we entered. She looked down the long walkway before turning her attention back to me. There was no way she could outrun me, even with her quirk, and she knew it. 

"What about your mother?" She glanced around the area, though she still faced me. "She would never hurt anyone!"

"She might not directly," I explained to her. "Though she still hasn't apologized for the things she didn't do."

"What about me, I could help you if you let me!"

"You have no idea how far down the rabbit hole I am."

"I'm sure it's not that bad! You're a goo person," she insisted. "I know it."

I sighed and muttered a 'damn'. "I don't want help."

"What?" She gave me an incredulous look

"Nobody cares about the past of villains. Nobody cares about how many, possibly even most could re-enter society if they actually got the help they needed. Nobody cares about the gray spot between good and bad. You'd think that even though they didn't care about those things, they'd care about the crimes those villains committed, but look at All for One. He's sitting in jail. Barely a fucking slap on his god damn wrist."

I made sure to regain my composure before continuing. "This world revolves around heroes. A hero says that something is bad, then it's bad. If Heroes think you act like a villain, then you are one. 'All lives matter,' they say, so they don't kill villains. What about the victims of those villains? If all lives matter, why aren't the victims helped?"

"Heroes aren't all that bad," She calmed for a second before her back his a wall, at which point, she gasped. "They know the difference between an act and an actual threat."

"Wow, you really are dense," I rolled my eyes and stopped a meter (about three feet) away from her. "Kaccan being treated like a villain in the sports festival? Then surprise, surprise, the League of Villains tries to recruit him."

"I'm sure it was just a joke though," she said, before changing courses and offering another idea. "Everyone makes mistakes."

"Sure, let's say that it was a mistake. Did they apologize?"

"Not that I know of," she said quietly, finding interest in the dead bugs laying around her feet.

"Exactly. The world revolves around heroes. Endeavor is rude to everyone and not many talk about it because he's a hero. Plenty of heroes are garbage, but it's never brought up. Do you understand now?"

She nodded her head and returned her gaze to me. "Why did you feel the need to tell me this?"

"Honestly? I needed to rant for a bit. But I'm also not going to let you die with all of those lies planted in your head."

The absolute worst time to be hit with something, is at the end of your evil monologue. How do I know? Because that is when Yaoyorozu hit me. Right then and there. The next thing I knew, I was being pepper sprayed. 


951 words


Thank you all for the compliments last chapter (as well as any other), didn't expect that.

Anyways, expect a question at the end of every chapter from now on. It's the best way to get to know if this is going smoothly.

Question: What do you think of Midoriya written here?

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