Chapter 4

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"Deku, are you okay?" Someone asked.

I couldn't tell who it was. Everything sounded like it was coming through filters, filters, filters.

"What about filters?"


"Huh? Oh, I was thinking about someone's quirk. Their hair would change based on the things that were said to them. All of the things said to them would mash up and come out as one color. Kinda like a filter."

"Really? That's cool!"

A conversation continued around me. I could hardly tell what they were saying, though I did catch my name a few times.

Even though my eyes were open, I couldn't focus on them. Everything was blurry. My head was spinning and it made me feel sick. To exacerbate the situation, I felt something right around my throat.

"Deku?" "-okay?" "You don't-" "-good."

Someone's voice kept cutting into my brain. It was like listening to an old radio. Static would fade in and out. A voice could be heard but it seemed distant.

Then, nothing.


To say the least, Recovery Girl was not happy. Not only was I coming in after training sessions, but in the middle of the day as well? I was surprised she hadn't killed me yet.

"Hello, dear. Good to see you awake," Recovery Girl said to me as I sat up. She shuffled over to me and held out her hand. In it, was a device with a clip on the back. "Do you recognize this?"

"No, no I don't."

"I'm going to send it to Principle Nezu. It was choking you, cutting off the oxygen to your brain and making you pass out," she explained to me and slipped it into her pocket with a sigh. "I have no idea why someone would want to mess with such a sweet boy."

"Me neither," I muttered. "Uh, could you tell me the time please?"

"It's only been about ten minutes since you fainted. When you see Iida and Bakugo again, you should thank them. Especially Bakugo. When you didn't wake up he was very concerned. Actually, he was the one who found that little gadget on you."

"Thank you ma'am. I should be heading back to class now." I stood from the bed and gathered my blazer and tie even though I felt some dizziness.

"You're sure you feel okay?"

"Yeah, I'll be okay." And with that, I left.


"Deku!" Uraraka yelled at me when I walked in the classroom. She stood from her desk, her fists flat against the surface. "I'm so glad you're okay!"

"Thank you. Sorry for scaring you all," I told them, my eyes closed as I awkwardly scratched the back of my neck.

"Sit down, Midoriya and Uraraka," Mr. Aizawa states before his expression softens. "I'm glad you're okay but we still have class."

"Yes, sir."

I pass by Bakugo to my seat and sit down. As Mr. Aizawa continues with the lesson, I feel around inside my pocket. While I walked by Bakugo, he'd poked me in the side.

My pickpocketing lessons with him had come into use. Inside my pocket was a piece of paper. On it, in messy handwriting, was a note telling me to meet Hatsume in the development studio for some minor adjustments to my suit.

Class ends a few hours later. Iida is planning to leave and I still have to thank him to keep up my act. Honestly, being nice can be so tiring sometimes.

"Hey, Iida!" I yell down the hallway as I speed walk up to him. He stops and waits for me to catch up with him. "I wanted to thank you."

"For what exactly?"

"For taking me to Recovery Girl earlier. From what she was saying, it sounded as if it could've been fatal."

"Oh, that. Well, you're welcome. Now, I must get back to the dorms and finish my assignments," he told me and walked away.

That left one last thing on my to do list. A quick visit to the development studio.


664 words.

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