Chapter 3

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One of my favorite feelings in the world is that of seeing the pained look on your opponent's face the moment they realize that they've lost. Though Kachan seemed to be my only companion that gave it to me. The other ones would just frustrate me.

"Do you guys wanna race back?" Kirishima asked as he wiped some sweat from his hairline.

"Yeah!" Uraraka yelled, pumping her fist in the air. "I'm totally gonna win this time!"


"We're running late today. I don't see why not," Iida stated, answering Kirishima's question. "On my mark. Three, two, one. Go!"

Iida lead our group back to the dorms. I pursued him, keeping myself a few places behind. Kirishima was behind me, though he tried to pull ahead of me, there was no way I'd let two of these morons beat me. They were already pushing it with Iida. Bakugo brought up the rear, way behind the rest of us.

Uraraka thought it'd be best to yell words of encouragement at him. I don't know why though, it was almost six in the morning and people were constantly yelling at her to shut up.

We finally made it back. Other students were milling around, gathering their things and doing any homework they failed to complete the night before. Mineta was preying on the girls from a distance, as per usual.

Everything seemed so normal.


"I can't believe they make us get up this early," Kaminari complained with a yawn.

"I know right?" Mineta asked as he glared ahead at Tsu's skirt. "I was in the middle of a dream about Momo's boobs when my alarm went off."

Yaoyorozu visibly stiffened at the comment. She clenched her fists and fastened her gait to be at the front of our group.

"You know you could at least try not to say those things around the girls right?" Sero asked him with a mild look of disgust. "You'd be much more popular with the ladies of you didn't treat them like property."

Mineta just kind of ignored him. He barely even acknowledged him other than grumbling about how it was easier for Sero to get ladies because he was tall.

"Did you not hear a thing he just said?" Kaminari asked, taken aback by Mineta's rudeness. "It's kinda rude to ignore people."

"Why are taking his side? You should be on my side."

"He has a fair point. You should respect the girls' personal boundaries. It's very rude and disrespectful," Kaminari told him, then added on in a louder voice. "Plus sexual harassment is illegal, and they could press charges."

"I doubt that they will," Mineta stated with an eye roll. "They're yet to do so, so why would they now."

Those two continued down a seperate hallway, their conversation becoming inaudible to the rest of us.

"That boy," Ashido said with a sigh. "Sometimes I wish he'd just disapear."

The rest of the girls nodded with her and voiced their opinions on him. Conversation ensued through the crowd.

Everything seemed so normal.


"Hey, Deku!" Uraraka called out to me. "Can you spot me?"

"Uh, sure," I yelled back to her, snapping out of my trance.

We were working with different terrains that day. Testing them out to see how much work we needed to do. We'd be rock climbing, swimming, running, and performing different types of attacks in different artificial biomes. It wasn't as good as the real thing but it was all we had at the moment.

Even though she didn't necessarily need to, Uraraka was going to try rock climbing. Something that I'll admit that I struggled with.

"Can you check my harness," she asked, looking at all the uneeded straps around her torso and thighs. "I don't know if it's tight enough."

In a daze, I went to work. Pulling the fabric until it wouldn't move any further and then letting it loosen just slightly so that it wouldn't hurt the girl. I didn't even hear Mineta's inevitable comment on how I was lucky as I gripped the rope connected to Uraraka's harness. My mind was else place. Thinking, but certainly not of the weight of the rope as it pulled taught against my hand. I couldn't hear Uraraka's screech, or the thump of her feet hitting the padding below the rock wall, or Mr. Aizawa lecturing me about paying attention to my surroundings.

Everything seemed so normal. Then, why wasn't it?


741 words.

We'd like to apologise to Momo for making her a target of Mineta.

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