Chapter 12

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The class was thrown into complete chaos. Nearly everyone was panicking and those who weren't, were attempting (that's the key word here) to calm others down. Though their efforts failed to stop most of them from sprinting down the stairs in a dire attempt to get Mr. Aizawa or the police or someone to help their poor souls. Those who hadn't initially gone down the stairs i a hurry, followed shortly after.

"Mr. Aizawa! Mr. Aizawa!" multiple yelled as they went tumbling down the stairs.

"What do you guys need now?" He yelled back at them. Though his demeanor changed when he saw their expressions.

My classmates let Uraraka walk up to the front of the crowd. She handed the note over to Mr. Aizawa. Tears began to fall from her eyes as he read it.

Mr. Aizawa sighed and tucked the note into his pocket. "We don't really have anywhere safer for you guys to go. You guys need to stick together though. Girls in one room and boy's in another. Stay close though. I'll stay down here, or somewhere around here until four in the morning."

We nodded our heads and walked our own ways to gather our things.


"So I was thinking," Sero said before Kirishima could cut him off.

"You don't do that much!"

"Shut up," Sero told him and slapped the back of his head. "Anyways, I was thinking we should set up a system for at least one person to always be awake and keep watch."

"That's a great idea! I'm not taking last watch though," Kaminari told us before he got an idea. "I call dibs on first watch!"

"I'll take last watch then I guess." I quickly thought of an excuse. "All Might wanted to see me before class anyways."

"Some of us will be up be up by five so your shift will only be ten minutes," Iida informed me after having taken a long look at a calculator he brought with him for some reason. "Everyone else's shift will be twenty minutes."

Everyone sets up a time stamp for themselves and we agree to go to bed. It started to get quiet before Kaminari started to say some weird shit.

"Sero, you'd best go to sleep, 'cause in twenty minutes I'll be stealing yer toes."

To which Sero replied: "I ain't taking orders from some bitch that eats their chicken nuggets with ranch."

"At least I don't wear my socks after they get wet." I never knew Sero had that type of side. Who the hell wears wet socks?

"You walked home in the rain because you forgot how to open an umbrella."

They might have gotten into a brawl but who cares?


"Deku," someone said, shaking my shoulder. "Deku wake up."

"What is it Kacchan?" I asked him

"It's your turn to watch," he informed me. 

"Oh yeah."

"Hey, deku?"

I sighed. "What is it, Kacchan?"

"Um, aren't you planning something for Uraraka?"

"No Kacchan. We give them some time to calm down, and then I'll deal with it." I told him as I began to stretch. "Besides, you can't just tell someone you're going to kill them then do it directly after. That's just idiotic."


As Kacchan fell silent, I began to pack my things up. Some things were lost to the void. Who would've thought that Tokoyami was a blanket hoarder? My other things were most likely buried under Kirishima, who seemed to be having zero trouble with it. 

I took some time to observe everyone in their sleeping state, 'cause I'm weird like that. Sero and Kaminari either fell off the bed whilst sleeping, or they pushed each other off. Aoyama slept silently in the hammock. With Sero and Kaminari absent, Todoroki took the bed for himself. Everyone else was snuggled up on the cramped floor.

Why did we choose Sero's room again?

Shortly after though, several alarms went off. A lovely way to start your day? Kaminari and Sero cussing because they slammed their heads into each other. Yes, the best way, to start your day. 


682 words

Sorry this is kinda slow.

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