Chapter 10

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"Don't you guys think it's kinda weird that Mineta's not awake yet?" Kaminari asked, pausing to look around a bit and throw a glare at me before continuing. "He's usually up by now."

"Either that, or he's constantly pulling all-nighters," Sero commented.

"Someone should probably go and check on him," Iida prompted, though nobody made a move to fetch the wretched plum haired gremlin.

After seeing that nobody was going to do it for him, Iida walked back up the stairs. I finished off my coffee and placed it in the sink before Iida's voice ruptured in a plea for somebody, anybody to call Mr. Aizawa. My peers and I collectively bolted for the stairs while Ashido contacted Mr. Aizawa.

Though most of the class arrived before I did, we all reacted at relatively the same time. A few shocked gasps, wide-eyed stares, some yelled "Holy shit", some left, Kaminari slid down the wall outside the room into a squat and repeatedly whisper-yelled "What the fuck? What that fuck? What the fuck?" with his index fingers pressed to his temples.

Mineta's lifeless eyes laid wide open, staring at the ceiling. His face was frozen in horror, dried tears and snot glues to his face. Deep purple and blue bruises surrounded his thin neck. Knives pierced his hands and matress, dry blood frosting his flesh. Toga was never the creative type.

Though to sum up the feelings if being traumatized, Bakugo stated, "Damn it smells like ass."

"Move out of the way," Mr. Aizawa said calmly, placing a hand on my shoulder and gently moving me aside.

"Iida, run to Principal Nezu's office and inform him of the situation," the teacher ordered as he closed the door behind him. "I want the rest of you to report to the Cafeteria and wait for me there. Don't bother grabbing any of your stuff if you don't have it on you."

As the rest of the class started to leave, I walked up to Mr. Aizawa and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Mr. Aizawa? I, I think I m- might know who did it," I told him, my body trembling and eyes wide with acted terror.

"Who?" He asked, his eyes seemed to be attempting to stare into my soul and unlock the story.

"Pres-present Mic," I stuttered out as I stared back into his cold eyes.

"What happened last night, Midoriya?" Mr Aizawa asked. I took a deep breath, pretending to get myself together.

"He came in, in my room last night," I paused and though a bit. "Through the window. He, he told me that he forgot his key card at home. I think, I think he might have been drunk. So I gave him directions to leave before going to the, the bathroom."

Mr. Aizawa breathed a deep sigh. "Okay, Midoriya. I'm going to have you wait downstairs in the lounge for Principal Nezu to ask you some questions," he told me and I traveled down the stairs to wait.

A grin crept onto my face as I left. Lying to people was way too easy sometimes. People were always so trusting when I would say anything to them, it was kinda sad.

I did as Mr. Aizawa said, and sat in the lounge in complete silence, waiting for the rat or whatever to interrogate me.


I waited too long just for the Principal. Twenty minutes of nothing was absolute torture for him to sit across from me with a notepad with zero greeting.

"Is it okay if I ask you a few questions," he asked, to which I just nodded.

"At about what time was the crime committed?"

"Um, a little while after one in, in the morning."

"And what were you doing around and before the time of the crime?"

"When, when he kno-knocked on my window, I was working, on a project. The-then I went to the bathroom and, and bed

"Are you positive it was Present Mic?"


"Thank you for giving us this information Midoriya, it will be very useful for the investigation. Do us a favor and don't give any of these details to anyone else," Nezu says, closing his notebook. "You can join your classmates now."

I gave him a nod and walked to the school cafeteria to greet my friends.


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