Chapter 15

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"What did he say?" Iida asked as everyone else fell silent. 

"We have to leave."

"When?" Uraraka asked, sounding desperate. "We should still have time to at least look for her! Maybe we can find her before we have to leave!"

"Now, we have to leave now. Come on," I said, starting to lead the way out of the building. Though when I didn't hear any footsteps following me, I stopped. "Seriously guys, we need to go."

"We can't leave her though," someone said, their voice barely audible. "We have to find her."

"It's really dangerous here," I argued. "Nezu told us to leave, so it's definitely in our best interest. If we don't leave now, we could die."

"We're supposed to be heroes though," they said back. "If we can't save our own friend, how are we supposed to save other people."

"I'd like to know exactly how many people you think you can save while being dead," Kacchan spoke up, charging ahead to be in front of me. "It's also pretty lame that you don't have any faith in one of your own classmates."

He began walking before some started following him. It caused a domino effect. Kirishima jogged after him, then Kaminari, before long the rest of the class was being lead by Kacchan. The last one to leave was Uraraka, who left the building with her head down, hair cascading around her tear-streaked face. 


"Hey Midoriya," Kirishima slowed down to walk beside me. "It's really manly of you to help Mina. Do you want me to carry her for the rest of the way man?"

"Are you sure?" I asked, looking down at my chest. "You're going to get a lot of blood on you."

"It's no problem," he assured me. "I can carry her the rest of the way if it's any help."

"Yeah, that'd absolutely be a big help," I said before handing her over. "Thanks, Kirishima. Be careful with her."

As he walked away to catch back up with Kacchan, I slowed down my own pace just enough to walk beside Yaoyorozu. She had taken it upon herself to stay at the back to guard the rest of the group just in case someone were to attack us from behind. It wasn't really the best idea since she looked extremely distracted from her surroundings, with her fist under her chin and her eyes fixated on the concrete below her.

"Hey, Yaoyorozu," I whispered in a crap attempt to catch her attention. Since she didn't reply, I tapped her shoulder. "Yaoyorozu."

"Oh," she finally looked up from the ground. "My apologies, but what were you saying?"

"I wanted to tell you that I was going for a walk the other day, and I found something." I gradually began to slow my pace to find out whether or not she would slow down as well. Unsurprisingly, she did. "I think it might be some type of clue as to finding whoever attacked us." 

"What was it?" she asked, a new spark interest seemed to ignite inside her. 

"Well, I'm not exactly sure what it is-" I faked a nervous laugh. "I was kinda hoping that you would know. I figured since you're probably the smartest in the class."

"I suppose that we can take a quick look," she said, going back into the concentrated position she was in when I first came up to her. "We should be fast though, and tell the others before we depart."

"Okay, I'll tell Kaminari since he's the closest. You should wait here."

She stopped in her tracks as I jogged ahead to the blond. I gave a look back to her and a thumbs up before tapping Kaminari on the shoulder. 

"Hey, we're going on a little journey with a bloody end," I whispered to him with a wink. "If anyone asks, you have no idea where we are or if we even left. A distraction would also be nice (if it's needed anyways)."

"Okay, dude," Kaminari replied with a nod. "Though if you end up being the Pros' next target, don't be surprised."

"That surprise definitely won't be as bad as yours when I kill you," I told him, my smile widening as I imagined what I'd do to torture him. "Well, later loser."

"Bye bitch."

I walked all the way back to Yaoyorozu and gestured down an alley between some dorm houses that, oddly didn't have any cameras. "Come on."


745 words

Quick question: is the writing actually any good?

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