Chapter 9

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I didn't like having to send Emails to The League, seeing as it was evidence. Any other time, I probably wouldn't have done so, but I needed a favor. I began typing out an email to Toga.


You still owe me and I'm asking for a favor. It'll help both of us a bit.

I sent it, but didn't expect an answer back very soon (much less within a minute). Then I got a notification.


Yeah, I remember. Thanks for that What's the favor you're asking?

That was quick. Shit must've been extremely boring back at the base.


I want you to transform into one of the teachers working here at UA. He's a pro and we need him out if the way. While you're here you can kill one or two student but you have to follow my rules. 1. You have to be silent. And 2. It has to be whomever I pick. I hope this will get the real man sent to prison.

You will be pretending to play a prank on a student, but had forgotten your key card to get in. You saw that my light was still on, and figured it was worth a try.

This plan helps both of us. One less pro hero you guys have to take care of, fewer students we have to worry about finding out our secret.

I sent the email and waited. And waited. Then waited some more before I pulled out some homework to pass time. After looking at the clock again, it was one in the morning. It didn't really bother me since I'd been pulling all-nighters since grade school though it was kinda a waste of my time.

About to give up, I walked to my bed and pulled the blanket back, then suddenly  I heard knocking. I peered over to my window and saw Present Mic holding onto the window ledge (quite impressive for being on the second floor actually). Without hesitation, I ran over to the window and pushed it open.

"Oh my gosh, Present Mic! Are you okay?" I put up an act for the cameras outside before shutting the window behind him. "Come this way, I'll show you the way out!"

"What are you talking about?" Toga asked in a hushed tone.

"There are cameras outside, I was making it look real," I explained to her as we walked. "Follow me."

"Hang on. The last time was talked, you told me you'd have more blood. Where is it?" She asked, leaning to one side on her hip and her arms to outstretched in a 'W' sign.

"Right," I remembered and dug it out from under my bed. "Here you go. Now come on."

We arriveed in front of Mineta's door and Toga stepped into the room, walking back out a few minutes later. She made that quick.

"The way out is that way," I pointed to the door and shooed Toga away. "Go now, I already have an excuse planned out."

Toga left without a word, or a look around for that matter. I trekked my way to the bathrooms, going in for a minute, flushing, turning on the sink for a while, and then leaving to retreat to my room.

"What are you doing up this late?" I heard a monotonous voice ask from behind me.

"I was up late doing research for our history project and had to use the restroom," I told him, reaching up to scratch my head.

Todoroki continued on his way. What was he doing up? He was hard-working but I wouldn't think he'd stay up this late for anything.

Oh well, I'd have to figure it out at some point. I then went on my way, back to my temporary room and though about the odd encounter. He could have heard me talking to Toga or waiting for "Present Mic" outside Mineta's door. If it came to that I could probably bargain with him to keep quiet. Or just seriously fuck him up like Bakugo.

I crawled back into my bed and decided that when I moved out I needed to get better decorations before falling into sleep.


700 words.

Well this is really fucking late.

Sorry about that.

The next update should be out at the right time tho.

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