-Part VI-

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—Part VI—

Fate must have hate me so much to played me like a fool for a couple of weeks now.

I told him I'd stop hoping for an 'US' but damn, fate made a move and I can see him wherever I go, every corner and every store I go to I can see him.

We both tried to ignore it at first but it keeps happening and happening.


After that night, I have been thinking about our situation, both me and C. It isn't easy to just let go of it all.

We were childhood sweethearts,

Each other's first love,

Each other's first broken heart,

And I think they all still expect for the both of us to end up together after all these years, most especially his parents. Who had been too supportive in him towards me.

Oh by the way, I'm at a supermarket today to restock my apartment. You know, when you live alone in an empty apartment and get to go home only during nights and on day-offs like this day. You only get to restock monthly or when suddenly you forgot something important.

So here I am, purchasing my monthly worth of foods and equipments stocks. As I scan through the fruit section my eyes found C in the other side of the fruit section, also looking at me with surprised look on his face yet we ignored each other.

The conversation we had last night was too deep and awkward for us to treat each other normally. Maybe those words that I said last night was really the end of our friendship, I cut it off my pleading him to stop giving me false hopes.

I moved on to the next section and payed for everything that I bought, luckily this mall is close to my apartment I won't have a hard time going home with 4 big plastic bags in hand. Well, it's for a months supply so it's a lot, from my daily necessities to my needs and wants of course it'll be a lot.

When I arrived at my apartment door, I had a hard time opening the door when someone reaches a hand to open it for me. "T-thank—YOU! " He was surprised to see me too but I'm freaking out. How did he know I live here? Did he followed me?

"Y-you're here... D? " he ask and I almost burst into a sarcastic laugh "Of course I'm here, I personally live here. What are YOU doing HERE? " If I want struggling with the grocery bags I would've pointed him using my point finger.

"I live... beside this apartment.. I just moved in yesterday. " WHAT?! WE'LL BE NEIGHBORS ONCE AGAIN?! I didn't know what to say to I grabbed the doorknob and quickly opened it then went inside in a flash. "What the hell.. " neighbors once again. It can't be.....


I must be curse. We also both have the same schedule for work so we open our door at the same time, luckily he had a car and I walk to work. That's the time where I can breath deeply. I don't have to be suffocated by him, I don't have to pretend not to be awkward and stupid in front of him.

My walk to work is quick so i started the day with my thoughts running wild. "Hey D.. Your head is on the clouds today, everything okay at home? " Jay said as we started clearing up for the next shift to take over. I nodded. "Everything's great Jay, I was just overwhelmed by the changes in my life. It all happened too fast, I couldn't prepare myself. " Then I laugh nervously thinking I would get to see him again later at home.

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