-Part XV-

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—Part XV—

Kian's POV

3 years has passed since she left and for the first time, I got an email from her.

I stared at her email for awhile before I sigh and laugh.

"Her first email in 3 years and it's for asking help. What a brat she is, I must've spoiled her a bit too much. " I read her email "Well, helping her is the only thing I can do for now. Until she returns. "


deborah_Ross to: Kian.locke

'I need your help at the coffeeshop. I'm doing great here so don't worry about me. Thank you! Also, you can tell them the truth.'

And that's the only thing she wrote. I wasn't expecting a super long message from her in the first place but argh this girl. "Still the same Debbie I know. "

I decided to go to her coffeeshop to check on what's the problem and saw Bea her manager struggling as she looks at me by the entrance. "Finally you're here! I decided to contact Boss because we really need your help. Thank you so much for coming! " I nodded at her and look at the stares given by a Guy employee to me as I step inside the shop.

Bea lead me to her office and saw a pile of paperworks in her desk and clearly understood what's the problem. "As you can see, as the manager of this cafe.. I couldn't balance everything being the manager, the owner and operational manager. Having Debbie's absences in this shop I can't do anything by myself. So I gather everything I have to email her and she sent you. "

I nodded and read a few of the papers, some are from the suppliers and some are from the customers who has ask for the services. "This was Debbie's job in here? I thought she's only a barista? She hates paperworks so much. " And we both laugh.

"She does hate them but as soon as she reads these stuffs she already has answers to all of them while I am the one doing it on the outside. I miss her so much. Is she doing great? " I nodded at her as I stare at her curious face.

"Let me do the rest. Just be the manager and I'll take care of the rest. I'll tell everyone before we open the shop. " She nodded and arrange the few scattered papers on her desk, I head out and the guy  greeted me with his cold face. "Good morning team. I will be the one to handle this shop for now. Until she comes back. So, here's the plan—" the guy finally talked and he cut me.

"Who are you? Why are you doing this? Who's the Boss that you are talking about. Until the Boss comes back? We never even saw who in the hell is that person you call boss. "

I snickered hearing what he said. Well, there's no turning back now Debbie. You told me to tell them the truth right? So here we go.

"I am Kian Locke, your boss's boyfriend. " I can see how he frowned hearing the word boyfriend. I am on my way to comfirm his feelings towards Debbie. This is fun. "You Boss has always been here well, until she left 3 years ago. " I continued and his eyes grown wider as if realizing the one who disappeared 3 years ago.

"And yes, Deborah Ross is your Boss. My lovely GIRLFRIEND. " I teasingly emphasized the word 'girlfriend' his face has turned from surprised to mourning. Well, this guy right here, is his crush's so-called boyfriend. Who wouldn't mourn right?

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