-Part XIV-

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—Part XIV—

9 months has passed since I left the Philippines to live here in Canada. Those months I spend my time eating, reading and taking care of myself.

"Hey preggy, stop eating ice cream or you'll get fatter every single bite. " I glared at him "Shut up Nick, or I'm going to feed you this spoon and bowl. Let me eat for two people don't bother me. Shu shu! " He laughed at me "This preggy is too much! I'm too cute for you to bully me like this. " I rolled my eyes at him and yes people I am 8 months and almost 3 weeks pregnant, it's almost my due so I am eating everything I want for my last days of being pregnant.

It might not be the most ideal thing on earth but having a baby in your tummy is the best feeling well, except for the morning sickness, the cravings and the back pains. Still, this baby is the best blessing I'm going to receive.

The fruit of our love.

And how did I know? Well, easy peasy. It happened a few weeks after I arrived here.


3 weeks of being in Canada, I kinda like the people here they're very hospitable, not as hospitable as filipinos but still they're great.

I am on my way to cook breakfasts but Stella is already there cooking eggs, I always loved eggs but this time I couldn't help but vomit from the smell of it. I hate how it smells.

"Are you okay Deborah? What happened? " She's caressing my back as I vomit my stomach out. Breathing heavily as I answer her with disgust "T-the smell of eggs.. I hate it. " She frowned. "But your brother told me to cook eggs today, because it's your favorite. " I shake my head. "Yes it was! Until I felt this disgusting feeling I have inside my stomach as I smelled the eggs. " Then I vomit again remembering the smell but actually, when you look at it all I vomit was water and saliva, nothing else.

I saw how Stacey's eyes widen and touches my arm "Wait.. let me cook something else for you, you should lie down in bed. What do you want to eat? " And that made up an idea in my head, her face shows disgust as she heard what I want "Porridge and Strawberry Jam! " I exclaimed happily at the thought of eating those things.

She didn't say anything else and just nodded. She told me to wait in my room and went back to the kitchen. My vision is kinda blurry to I rest at the end of the stairs then I heard them talk about my condition.

"Pat, I think you're sister's pregnant. " I frowned. What are they talking about? "What?! How?! " And there are a lot of murmurs happening downstairs but I kept listening. "You told me she loves eggs but now she vomits with just the smell of it, and she's asking me for strawberry jam and porridge which she hated before! And you think I'm making assumptions? I was once pregnant Pat and I know how it feels. Go buy this and come back soon, we'll find out together—"

Before I could hear anything else I head to my room and lay in bed thinking, what if they're right? What if I'm really pregnant? C and I did it without protection and I didn't had the time to take contraceptive before I fly that day. It's been 3 weeks. Am I really bearing his offspring? The thought of it scares me but excites me too.

Will C be happy if he hears this?

An offspring of the one I really love.

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