-Part XVII-

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—Part XVII—

Clint's POV

I went inside the airport frowning. I hadn't been sleeping well for awhile because the company has so much work to do now that we've been expanding and then my sister called me this early to pick her up.

I roam my eyes around the airport but seen no one familiar then my eyes glued to the scheduled arrival.

5:15am - Canada-Philippines
5:30 - Singapore-Philippines

(gawa gawa ko lang po yan)

Canada? I heave a sigh. I don't know why but whenever I see the Canada word, I keep remembering D. It's not as if she's there right? I don't know anymore. It's been 5 years, I've become a better person, expanding the company on my own, built my own house and everything. All that's left is her, to come back to me.

"Ah forget about it Clint and wait for your sister. " I nodded to myself then I head towards one of the chairs but was stopped when someone bump into me. "Aw! That hurts! " I saw a boy holding his forehead, I'm examining his face and saw a hint of familiarity. "Mister? " He called me and I went back to my senses.

"Hey, kiddo.. I'm sorry, I didn't see you. " I lowered myself to his level. "No Mister! I'm sorry. I bump into you, I was trying to find my Moma and Uncle Nick. " He was pouting but I was surprised he was so calm in this situation. "How old are you kid? " He look at me and smile "I am 5 years old! How old are you Mister? " Really surprising, a 5 year old kid lost in the airport looking so calm.

"Why do you ask my age? " I chuckled softly but laugh when he answered "Because you ask for mine, so I should ask for yours. That's what my Moma said and she also said not to talk to strangers but you know what Mister? I am very comfortable with you, it's like I know you for a long time like my Uncle Nick. " This kid is amusing and talkative, he's a very intelligent kid.

I didn't realize that I was smiling at him while I listen but our conversation stopped when some guy walk up to us. "Blake! There you are. Your mom's worried sick about you. " So this kid's name is Blake. "Uncle Nick! I'm sorry, I bumped into this nice Mister and I couldn't find you or Moma. " The guy nodded and look at me while I stand on my feet. "Thank you bro and I'm sorry, this kiddo is a little bit talkative. I hope he didn't bother you. " his hand rest on Blake's head.

I nodded and smile a bit "It's fine. Don't lose him again, there's a lot of people here. " Then I tap my hand on Blake's shoulder and smile at him brightly "So, you're Blake. Don't get lost again, it's dangerous. " Then I walk away but he called me. "MISTER! What's your name? " I chuckled and look back for awhile saying "Clint! " Then went ahead. Exactly at that moment my eyes caught someone very familiar, my heart starts to beat faster.

"D... " She's far from where I am but I tried to run towards her. "Debbie.. " I tried calling her until I can't see her anymore in this large crowd. I tried to roam my eyes around hoping I still could see a hint of her but I failed. I couldn't see her anymore but more importantly, she's freaking back! Finally.

"Clinty? Is that you? " I look back and saw my sister smiling but it is placed with a frowned when she saw my face. "Why are you crying? Did you miss me that much? " I was stunned by what she said and brush my cheeks, it really is wet. I am crying? "Sis.. I saw her in this airport. I saw her, I'm not mistaken. It's her. She's back sis. "

She tried to calm me down but ended up as her hugging me, caressing my back as she's calming. "Sshh, it's fine. We'll find her. Calm down okay? " I nodded and heave a deep sigh and smiled at her as I pulled out from the hug. "I will find her and this time I won't let her go, but okay... We're not here for her, we're here for you sis. How was your trip? "

"It was a blast. I didn't know Singapore really is that amazing and beautiful! It's clean and the people are great. The foods too but I not really into those kinds of food but hey it's still great! Now take me home I miss my hubby and daughter! " Then she pulled me out of the airport until we reached my car. "Smooth ride. Now come on faster. " I laugh at her and opened the car.

"Do you know how much sleep I had? " She shrug and answer "3 or 4 hours? Don't know. Don't care. " I throw her a crumpled paper and she throws it back at me. "You already know the consequences of expanding the company so don't nag at me and also because I made you pick me up you see her there. Maybe she just got back from where she was hiding. Why was she hiding in the first place? "

I couldn't answer her. It's probably my fault, in my drunken state I did something I shouldn't have. "Hmmm, because you're being silent as hell, it's probably your fault, right bro? " She's indeed my sister, she knew me so much. "Althea please? Shut up or sleep if you've got nothing else to do. " I heard her chuckle but I decided to ignore her and focus on driving and thinking.

It's been so long since the last time I thought about thinking about her. I kept myself very busy to avoid that but with just one look at her, it all brings back memories. The memories of her touches, her kisses, her hugs and her smile. I maybe drunk that night but her kisses made me sober. I remember everything.

And I miss everything about her, for the past 5 years I never really stopped missing her and that hella babe of her won't even talk to us about information. "Hey Jerky Clint. We just passed by my house. " I automatically pressed the break and we both come forward.

"What the hell Clint? " I looked at her "Sorry sis, I'm just... preoccupied. " I turned my car back and park in front of their house. "Thanks for picking me up bro and please drive safely, don't be preoccupied while driving. " I nodded and after she gets out of the car I drove away.

I went to the apartment I rented 5 years ago. Hoping I could see D there. When I arrived it's still the same, it's empty. No sign of Deborah.

"Where are you D? " I tried to contact everyone and told them I saw D at the airport earlier. Then I head back to the office to see Emman waiting for me. "Hey Clint, are you sure it's Debbie you saw? " I sigh and sit beside him.

"I know you think I'm bluffing but I really saw her. This time it's real. I didn't get to talk to her or touch her because she disappeared in the crowd, it looks like she's in a hurry. It's her this time, I'm not mistaken. " It was her this time, same thing happened 3 years ago, I saw someone who has a similarities with her and told them. It turns out it's someone else. "Okay.. I believe you, it's been 5 years maybe she's done hiding. Maybe she's fine now. We'll find her okay? " I nodded and palm my face.

"I will find her. This time for sure. "

I won't let you go again D, 5 years has passed. You better be ready for what may come.


How's that for the comeback? Good? Okay? But I won't let them meet for now, there's still a lot of things to do before they meet. There's still a lot of coincidence that'll happen in this story.

And I'm thinking of an another conflict because this story lacks conflicts.


Feedbacks are appreciated!


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