-Part XXII-

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—Part XXII—

My eyes shut open when I felt someone hugged me, It was C's hand, our Blake is squeeze in between us but I can see how happy he looks knowing he met his father. I smiled at that thought. We are still at C's house, we're staying for another night. I can't help myself but caress both of my men's face, Blake looks like a photocopy of C's face except for the eyes. Blake's got mine.

I slowly removed their hands on me so I could look around the which I didn't had the time to last night because C is too drunk and I am accompanying him. Nothing really happened to us last night, that was a lie.

After he passed out in the car, I hurriedly and with all of my strength moved him to the passenger seat so I could drive him home. "Let's see.. Does C have a house now? " I blurted as I was searching for his ID and look at the address then use gps to drive there. "You have reached your destination. " I looked at the gps and then look outside. It's not too big but big enough for one guy to stay. A family house indeed.

"Now I need keys and a lot of strength to carry this guy inside. " I found his house key in his pocket and ran to his house to open the door before going back to him. I almost tripped when I managed to get him out of the car then I closed his car and slowly, step by step we went inside his house. "Your house is nice C, but it lacks family. " He groans when I dropped him in his bed, I'm not too if this is the one but I remember him having the same style at their old house back then.

I scan for a change of clothes for him at his closet and went back to him. When I was trying to take off his clothes he grabbed me closely. "Who are you? I have a wife! " I raised my eyebrows at him. "Sure sure Mr. Incredible. Now let go, I'm going to change your clothes. " He opened his eyes and stared at me. "Why do you look like my wife? " A wife that doesn't exist C. "Because I am your wife now let go and let me chabge your clothes. You're sweating and I am too! "

He smiled at me. Those playful smile he had back then. "I like you, will you be my wife? " I laughed at his playfulness but I saw his seriousness in his eyes as he stares at me. "Yes, of course I'll be your wife. Now let's change your clothes! " He finally let me go with a huge smile on his face, he then helped me change his clothes and before I could go he grabbed me again and laid me beside him. "You're not leaving me again right? "

He's teary eyed, almost crying as he asked me that question and it freaking broke my heart. "C.. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for leaving you. " A tear run down his face as I said those words, I caress his face and brush away those tears. I peck a kiss on his forehead while he close his eyes murmuring. "Don't leave me D.. "


And then I fell asleep beside him and woke up early to make breakfast. I finished scanning his room so I head out to check out the other room. The next room next to his is a smaller room compared to his, with a single bed. It's simple but you can see the passion in there, there are tons of toys. Wait.. a kid's room? I let myself in and roam my eyes around the room. "Why does he have a kid's room? "

"Because I've always wanted a child D.. " I immediately look backa nd saw him with his sleepy eyes at the door. He was looking at me intently but was surprised as he pulled me close to him. "Damn D, don't cry. Shit. I don't like seeing you cry. " I didn't noticed it but hell yeah I was crying while looking at the room. "5 years C.. I stole 5 years of Blake's life from you. I'm sorry. I didn't realize how hurt you were all this time. " He's hushing me and cupped both of my cheeks for me to look at him, he brush away my tears and smack my lips.

"We'll leave the past to the past D. Let's start over, as a family. I was supposed to give this to you next week, on your birthday but seeing you cry now. I just can't wait D. " He let me go and go to a small cabinet hidden in a little bookshelf of this kid's room. He pulled out a small box and went back to me smiling.

"10 years ago.. I made a promise to a wonderful girl that I'll marry her when we turned 25 and so as I was keeping that promise I messed up a couple of times. For those 10 years I never got to be the best version of myself and that's why I don't deserve her, that's what I thought. When I keep messing up, I am losing a chance to be with her. I couldn't realize it sooner because I'm always used to her being next to me no matter what happens, but 5 years ago, I lost her and I couldn't find her anymore. That's when I realized, I couldn't take a step when she's not here with me. They told me to wait and I did, just like how she waited for me to look at her alone. Waiting is hell so instead of waiting for her to come back, I build myself, I wanted to show her how deserving I am for her when she comes back. "

I was crying the whole time he's telling me those things. 10 years ago, I was that lonely girl who keeps waiting for him. He looks at me, take my hand and caress it as he kneel down in front of me.

"So, I am kneeling in front of that wonderful girl to ask for her hand. To ask her to be mine and mine alone. Deborah Ross, will you be the colors when my life feels like black and white? Will you be my sunshine when it's raining? Will you and Blake be my home? Will you be my wife? "

I couldn't help but cry a little more as he still caress my hand and opening that small box, pulling the ring out of it and kneeling there smiling at me. This is not the most ideal proposal but it's all I ever wanted in my life. When I was about to say yes a small voice came in and shout it out for me.

"YES DADDY!! MOMMAAA SAYS YES!! " We both look at the little boy who comes running towards us, hugging us both. C kisses his forehead and I did it too. "Momma, Daddy, I am happy. " I couldn't help but smile at what he said. He's crying with happiness now. C looks at me, still holding the ring in his hand.

"Yes, I'll be your wife. We'll be a family. Together. " He put the ring on my finger and hugged me with Blake tightly. "Argh, Daddy~ it's too tight! " Then he let us go and we all laughed.

It's not the most romantic way to propose but damn it, I've been dreaming this since 10 years ago. When he told me he's marrying me, I couldn't help but imagine what his proposal will be. I didn't expected anything but it's a dream come true.

What happened in the past will stay in the past, what we have now is to create a future in this present. A bright future for everyone. Me, Blake and C. Together in the future.

"Momma, Daddy? " We're still inside the kid's room. "Yes hon? " I answered him, he looks around the room. "This is your room Blake. Tell me if there's anything you want to change. " C blurted and smile at him, still looking clumsy with a conversation with his child.

"No Daddy, it's fine. It's just that.. " he couldn't finish his words because his stomach spoke for him. We laugh and C carried him. "Now now, I couldn't let my hero be hungry. Daddy will make pancakes. " Blake smile widely and hugged his Dad as we head to the kitchen.

What a wonderful sight.


Happy ending? Hmm tell me what to do next! Hehehe

Feedbacks are appreciated!


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