-Part XIII-

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—Part XIII—

Emmanuel's POV

I knocked on the door hoping there's someone inside this house. My hope shoot up when the door slightly open and I saw a sleepy Kian wearing only boxers.

"Oh it's you.. " then he yawned, as if I woke him up from his sleep and I guess I did, it's only 6am and from what I heard from the people who knew this guy. He's a playboy and has different girls to play with every night, then he'll go home by 3am and wake up by 10 or 12 noon. "I'm sorry I woke you up. Good morning. "

He rubbed his eyes and let me in "Come in, it's fine. Debbie has got it worse when he wake me up at 5am to bring her breakfast. I'm used to it. So what can I do for you? " I sat down on his couch and notice something familiar at the desk. "I'm going to wash up, make yourself at home. " It's a purple box so I let myself examine that box before Kian comes from the shower.

I frowned, these things are too familiar to me, it's all crafts, messy drawings and handwritten letters. Then I saw a cardboard with pictures, it's all Debbie's. "Wait, Debbie's photos? " I scan to those photos.

"Oh, couldn't help but scan through Debbie's things huh? " I was startled by the sudden voice and I look back to see Kian on his pants and shirt. "T-these are.. Debbie's things? Why are these here Kian? " He sat down in front of me and scan through Debbie's box. "I packed the rest of her things at her apartment. Afterall, I was the one who sent her to the airport that day—" I dropped my hand on the coffee table roughly and lean on him. "And you didn't stop her?! "

He wasn't paying attention to me but to his coffee table. "Come on man, not my coffee table. Debbie picked that for me. And yes, I didn't bother stopping her because I know her. She won't be stopped when she's made up her mind Emmanuel. " He then stood up and look at me "If that's what you want to ask. You can leave now, Clint already ask me things and I couldn't answer him because Debbie didn't tell me anything else. Not even where the hell is she staying. "

After that talk I decided to go but before I could drive my baby, Kian said something to me and I rush to where I can find any clue about her whereabouts.

"—Hey Emmanuel, we're all left blinded here but maybe her brother knows.—"

Why didn't I thought of that?! Her brother Daniel from the family house maybe know where she is. I drive to the old family house and rang the doorbell then waited for awhile.

It opened and I saw Daniel's wife.

"Who are you? " She asked me curiously. "Ahm Ma'am, Is Daniel there? I'm Deborah's friend, Emman. " I noticed her face went dull when she heard that. "I bet you're also here to asked us where she is right? Daniel and I also doesn't know. We couldn't contact her, maybe she's somewhere where her older brother is staying. " Her older brother?

"Her brother Patrick you mean? " I frowned when she nodded and sighed. "You can come inside if you have anything to ask. Or maybe she's in Japan with Zach. I have Zach's contact inside. Come inside first. " I nodded and went inside, sat down on their couch.

"You're alone here? " She nodded while she scans her phone "Daniel's at the company, the kids are at school. Ah here it is! " She handed me her phone and I put the numbers on my phone. "Thank you so much. " I stand on my feet and started heading out.

"Ahm wait... Emman is it? " I stopped on my tracks and look back at her. "Yes Ma'am? " she smile and then put on her serious face. "Just call me Lora, if Deborah doesn't want to be found, she's clearly with her brother Patrick. We don't have any contact with him or his wife, we don't even know where they live. But, knowing Deborah, you just have to let her until she decides to come back. Have a nice day. " She returned to cleaning while I stood there dumbfounded. Then after awhile I manage to get out of there and head to Clint's office.......

6 months has passed, I have been looking for a clue but never found even one.

We're all blind to this hide and seek Debbie has been playing. So, I guess I have to ask Clint what happened that triggered Debbie to go and hide. 

I arrived at his apartment and saw him at the couch staring into space. "Bro.. " he slowly look at me and brightened when he saw me. "Hey bro! Have you found her?! " He immediately went to my side in a flash. I sighed and he looks like his hope has been crashed. "Still nothing? " I nodded and he did too and looked down.

"It's been 6 months, when will she come back? " He looks devastated but he tried his best to smile. "I hope she's doing well! Because I won't lose to her.. I will keep doing my best too! Now get out and let me work on my presentations. " I can see how sad and restless he is.

"Bro, you need rest. Go to sleep first. " I blurted out but he laugh at me. "Look at you all worried about me. I am doing my best to be the best person for her so let me okay? I can do this. " It pains us their friends to see him like this but we can't blame anyone.

"How long have you been staying up? " He pretended to think and smile at me "I couldn't count it. My future company has been at it's best because of me so I can't stop now—" I grabbed his arm and lead him to his bedroom. "The company will be fine so please take a rest. Do you want Debbie to worry about how you look? " He shake his head like he was a little boy not wanting his mother to get mad at him.

"I can't sleep in this bed. " I was surprised by what he said, he looked down. "Because the last time I slept here. She was with me. I couldn't remember everything because I was drunk by then but I felt her warmth, her touch. The way she calls my name. Everything looks surreal Em.. I missed her. " So, that's the reason why Debbie left.

He got her on his bed for the night, then at the morning Debbie left without a trace.

"I know you love her, too much, but bro... What you did pushed her to get out of your world. You're still with Lenny that time and you bed her? Damn bro.. If only you're not my bestfriend I'll punch you to death. "

He stayed there silent but then he clenched his fist and look at me with his teary eyes. "I was too drunk, I was too jealous because that damn Kian stayed at her apartment for the whole day that time. I can still remember how she smiles at him when he bid her goodnight that night. I was a jerk! Yes I was but I couldn't afford her smiling at other people like that. NOT EVEN TO YOU Emman! I'm going crazy! " And he cried again, in front of me.

Debbie, can you sense this sadness? This regret he is feeling? Can his feelings reach yours at this time?

Please come back soon. I'm begging you Debbie.


I'mma go change the title to "Finding Debbie" instead of "D back to C" pfft okay I'm cute that way. Lemme hear your thoughts people. Next one's Debbie's POV the awaited moment of "Finding Debbie" or maybe "What Happened to Debbie"

Okay I'll stop.

Feedbacks are appreciated!


Ps. "Is Debbie coming back?" 😂

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