Chapter 9

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"Rosella" a familiar voice comments as she turns to face the source in surprise.

"Maximus?" she comments, surprised to see him standing in front of her.

"I don't have much time" He says to her, "Take my hand and let's go" he says to her.

"Go where?"

"To your home" he says to her.

"Why are you helping me?" she asks him. "Didn't you--"

"Did you miss the fact that I just said that I don't have much time?" he asks her snappily as she scowls at him. Still the same old Maximus. "You need to get back home and you need to prepare yourselves for the war headed your way" he says to her.

"The war against Dahlia?"

"So you know of her" he nods.

"Who is she?"

"Revealing that would be against the rules" he says to her.

"But saving me isn't?" she asks, calling bullshit.

"I'm saving you because the longer you stay in your mind the closer Dahlia draws to taking your son from you" he adds. "When you wake up you'll be refreshed and the first thing you need to do is go to Lafayette Cemetery" he adds as he touches her forehead as she feels a familiar burst of warmth flowing through her 'body', "the witch that had been siphoning from the Harvest Ritual has been dealt with" he informs her.

"Maximus you can't just shove all of this stuff at me and then expect me to just go with the flow. Who is Dahlia? Why does she want my son? Who was the witch that was responsible for siphoning the magic? I'm literally a sea of questions here!" she adds frantically.

"When you wake up whisper the words nove rita bendulam and I'll try to help you as much as I can" he says.


"Because there's a war brewing on the planes as well and I can use that excuse now go!" he says as he shoves her as a bright burst of light surrounds Rose.
{Dream ends}

~Fall on me~

Waiting for Rose to wake up was an absolute torture for her family members and everyone could see the clear frustration at the situation on Klaus' face at the fact that Rose wasn't waking up after 2 days but Riky was able to provide him with a momentary distraction from Rose's unconscious state.

Rebekah had been sitting with Rose, waiting for her to wake up and had gone out for a quick phonecall with Marcel.

Rose gasps as she bolts upright in the bed.

She looks around the room and exhales in relief when she realises that she's home.

In her room.

She climbs out of bed and just like Maximus said she feels completely refreshed.

A part of her wants to go and see her son first but she knows that Maximus wouldn't have told her to get to the Cemetery first if it wasn't important.

"Nove rita bendulam" she comments as she disappears in the blink of an eye as Rebekah bursts into the room when she hears Rose's voice.

"Rose?" she comments in relief at hearing her voice only for her eyes to widen when she notices that the bed was empty. "Rose?!" she shouts frantically as she searches around the room.

"What's wrong?" Maze asks her.

"Rose is gone" Rebekah tells her.

"What? How?!"

Until the End of time [3] Klaus Mikaelson (BWWM)✅Where stories live. Discover now