Chapter 24

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"Rose, wait!" Maze shouts after her friend.

"I can't! I need to calm down Maze or else..."

"I'm your friend" Maze tells her as she grabs her arm, "I know what'll happen if you don't calm down" she adds. Maze taps into her demon magic as her eyes go completely black before they disappear from sight as if they hadn't ever been there.

~Fall On Me~

Rose and Maze are teleported to god knows where as Rose draws back from Maze with a sigh. Any supernatural who was a member of the Reaper Council was able to teleport but Maze never did it as much anymore because she saw no need for it but Rose is grateful that Maze decided to.

She needs to think and she can't do that in the streets of New Orleans. Everything hits too close to home there.

"How long now?" Maze asks her as Rose looks around at their surroundings. They were in some forest in god knows where.

"A while" Rose admits.

"How long is a while?" Maze asks, needing specifics. To be honest she's a a little upset that Rose didn't confide something as huge as this in her. They're supposed to be best friends.

"I don't know Maze" Rose groans as she runs a hand over her face, "probably ever since Davina came back" she adds as Maze's jaw drops at this.

"...Rose..." The demon comments with a flinch. That was weeks ago!

"I know" Rose says, "believe me I do."

"Why didn't you tell me? Or Lucifer? Or Klaus?"

"I couldn't. I didn't want you guys being burdened with..."


Maze had smacked her upside the head.


"Hitting someone who is unstable probably isn't the greatest plan" She points out to Maze.

"I'm your friend! One of your best friends! How can you think you'd be burdening me by telling me that you're not okay?!" Maze shouts at her before calming herself down lest she make Rose all worked up. "Can we just agree that from now on if you aren't feeling at your best you tell me?" Maze says. "Deal?" She ask as she extends a hand to her friend.

"Deal" Rose says as she shakes her hand.

"Come on. We've gotta try get those emotions in a bit more balance before you go anywhere near your son" she adds as Rose follows her.

"Maze where are we?"

"Someplace nice" Maze quips sarcastically. "Don't ask questions. Just trust me" she adds.

~Fall On Me~

"A clearing? Really Maze?" Rose asks her friend when she looks around at area when they step out of the forest and into the clearing.

"Hey I don't see you coming up with any genius ideas, Einstein" Maze retorts. "Besides, it isn't that bad an idea" she adds.

"Enlighten me" Rose comments a little condescendingly. Maze narrows her eyes at her for this.

"Rose you are bubbling with power" Maze adds when they atop in theiddle of the clearing, "add on the fact that you keep shit to yourself AND you've been at odds with your husband AND your son's great aunt wants to take him from you and you have a cauldron just waiting to bubble over" she adds in all her infinite wisdom of magic.

Until the End of time [3] Klaus Mikaelson (BWWM)✅Where stories live. Discover now