Chapter 14

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"Did you know that they'd do what they did?" Marcel asks Bonnie as he grabs in the booth across from her after the meeting that they had come from.

She was in Rousseau's grabbing a drink.

"What part of me looks like it's best friends with Elijah and Klaus to the point where they tell me all their plans?" she asks him as he chortles at this.

Bonnie Bennett was a sassy little thing and he thinks that they could have been good friends if she weren't tied so deeply with the Mikaelsons.

He wants to trust that they are changing for the better but a part of him refuses to fully believe it.

"And are you stalking me?" she asks him as she gulps down her drink.

"As hard as this may be for you to believe some of us also have problems and we also require alcohol to deal with them" he adds

"No shit" Bonnie quips

"What's that mean?" he asks her in intrigue.

"Well in the minute that we've been talking the blonde at the bar has been trying – and failing – to pretend that she isn't looking our way" she adds as she lowers her glass, "and given how you're reacting at me pointing this out to you I'll assume that something between the two of you but it's complicated because of your feelings for Bekah" she adds when she reads his posture, "you can tell me how far off or accurate I am" she adds with a smug smirk that looks eerily similar to Kol's. She has to stop spending so much time with him.

"Very observant" Marcel says, looking impressed by this. "Those psychology classes are working out well for you, huh? Do you want me to do a read on you too?" he asks her.

"If you want to" Bonnie says as she waves a dismissive hand as Marcel chortles at this.

"Maybe some other time" he adds as he steals her drink and takes a sip. "Bourbon?" he says in surprise.

"I've spent some time around vampires" she shrugs indifferently.

"Woman after my own heart" Marcel teases.

~Fall On Me~

(the next day)

"Hey how is everything going there?" Rose asks her best friend over the phone.

"Lucifer has gotten himself into a bit of trouble with some L.A detective so I'll have to stick around to make sure that he doesn't do anything else more stupid" Maze adds on the other end of the line, "what are you guys up to there?" she asks her.

"Oh you know, the classic" Rose replies dismissively as she places her phone on speaker and kisses Riky's cheek as she places him on the ground with all his toys.

"The classic, like?" Maze asks her.

"Nik's formed a council for all the supernaturals" Rose fills her in, "when did you last talk to Elijah?" she asks. Surely he'd told her about this.

"I call him everyday" Maze replies, "but we don't exactly talk much about what's happening in New Orleans when we do" she adds as Rose makes a distasteful face at this. The last thing she wants to hear about is what Maze and Elijah do talk about.

Rose packs more of Riky's stuff away into his wardrobe.

Just as she expected his clothing was starting to become too much for even that wardrobe. She has Rebekah to thank for that.

"I'm surprised by the whole council idea actually" Maze admits, "are we sure that your husband came up with it?" she asks as Rose rolls her eyes at yet another of Maze's jabs toward her husband. Rose turns to face Riky when she hears him squealing happily and her eyes widen to the size of saucers when she sees what he's doing.

Until the End of time [3] Klaus Mikaelson (BWWM)✅Where stories live. Discover now