Chapter 22

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The feet Klaus heard had been the sound of 20+ vampires under Dahlia's control who were clearly there for one mission: to take Riky. 

Rose, Klaus and Elijah didn't even need to say a word to each other as they fought them off. Rebekah joined the fight when one of the vampires grew too close to Riky's nursery for any of their liking.

She had thrown his heart back to the ground in distaste as she kicked his body over the railings of the second floor as warning to the other vampires.

The four of them tore through Dahlia's minions and the sight of tons of bloody corpses is the sight that Lucifer and Freya happen upon when they return. Klaus looked livid and none could blame him.

"Dahlia sent you a present too, I see" Lucifer comments. Klaus was literally dripping blood and his eyes still glowed golden.

"Did you guys see anything?" Rebekah asks them as she kicks one of the bodies away from her in annoyance. The nerve of these idiots to try and take her nephew from his family.

"We saw Dahlia herself" Freya comments fearfully as all eyes land on her.

"She gave the typical villainous speech about how we can't keep her from what's owed to her, yada, yada, yada" Lucifer fills them in. "Frankly if her attack against me was her best then I'm not at all that impressed" he adds.

"You shouldn't be impressed by anything with Dahlia" Freya points out to him, "you should be wary of her. You caught her unaware by showing her your true face and now she'll be twice as guarded" she adds.

Bonnie and Kol walk into the room, also reeking heavily of blood.

"Oh goodie, auntie dearest sent you all gifts too" Kol quips when he sees the dead bodies.

Bonnie looks like she wants to vomit at the sight. This is a massacre.

"What'd she send you?" Elijah asks them.

"Wolves" Kol says as he chucks one of the rings that the wolves had been wearing to Klaus who catches it.

His eyes darken considerably when he sees the insignia on the ring.

"What?" Rose asks him worriedly.

"The San Diego mountain packs" Klaus says as he crushes the ring in his hand angrily while Rose sighs at this.

"She must have promised them rings" Rose theorises, "is one of them alive enough to interrogate at least?" She asks as she looks around at all the dead bodies.

"I have good new for you" Kol says as he speeds back into the courtyard where the bodies littered the ground with one of the wolves that he and Bonnie had managed to capture without killing. "A living wolf. For you to do with as you deem fit" he says to Rose and Klaus.

"Maze" Rose says instead through narrowed eyes as she stares at the bleeding wolf

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"Maze" Rose says instead through narrowed eyes as she stares at the bleeding wolf.

Bonnie and Kol had gagged and duct taped the man and his clothing was covered in blood. Rose can't even tell if it's his or not and she doesn't care. The gloves come off when it comes to her child.

Until the End of time [3] Klaus Mikaelson (BWWM)✅Where stories live. Discover now