Chapter 15

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"You can't tell me you believe what that woman says!" Klaus shouts angrily after Rose has told them all about what Katherine shared with her.

"I do" Rose replies, "I might be the dumbest person alive for doing that but I do" she adds, "it's something about the look in her eyes when she told me" she adds, recalling it.

"I hate to break it to you Rose but doppelgangers are pathological liars" Kol says, "and yes that includes your friend too, darling" he says to Bonnie as she scowls at him for insulting Elena even though they haven't spoken in what feels like months.

Despite that they are still friends though but maybe just not best friends anymore.

"The truth must be spoken" he adds simply as he throws his hands up in surrender.

"I'll deal with this" Klaus says angrily, "she'll tell us the truth, whether she likes it or not" he says, prepared to get the truth out of Katherine through torture if he must.

"Torturing her won't make her change her mind about this, Nik" Rose says to him. "Would you all please excuse us" she says to everyone else as they share worried looks at this.

Rose and Klaus haven't been able to spend time together in a room for longer than 5 minutes and now suddenly she wants it to be the two of them alone?

Not good.


"We'll be okay Bon" Rose assures her, though her eyes never stray from her husband's unhappy pair.

Everyone files out the room as husband and wife glare each other down.

"I don't trust her" Klaus says

"You don't have to trust her. You have to trust me" Rose replies.

"Because you've given me lots of reason to do that, love, is that it?" he snaps harshly as Rose's eyes narrow at this

"What exactly does that mean?"

"It means I've seen you with that weasel Vincent Griffith. You fancy him" he accuses.

"Fancy him?" Rose snorts, "when exactly did you make that conclusion, Nik? Was it before or after I slept with him?" she asks him angrily as his eyes glow golden at this.

He might as well be accusing her of that after all.


"Niklaus" she replies just as angrily, refusing to back down. "Vincent is my friend. I am his teacher because the only one he had is dead. Does he have feelings for me? I assume so given that it's what all of you claim to see. Do I have feelings for him? No! Why? Because I'm married to the world's most infuriating man!" she shouts angrily, "sometimes you make me so angry!" she says in evident frustration, "but I love you and only you but I'm also tired of you not trusting me!" she tells him, "so you can either start trusting me to be able to maintain a purely friendly and amiable relationship with him that is solely about sharing my magical knowledge with him or we can put an end to all of this right now!" she says as Klaus' eyes widen at her words.

"What exactly are you saying, love?"

"I'm saying that I'm done fighting with you for the foreseeable future about Vincent or any other person you think is trying to snatch me away from you" she adds as she throws her hands up into the air, "you can either start having faith that I'm happy with what we have or we can go our separate ways" she tells him point blank.

"Are you...Are you threatening to end things with me, love?" he asks in disbelief.

"I'm giving you space" Rose retorts in correction, "to think about whether or not you want this. Us" she gestures between them, "in the meantime I'm taking Riky with me and we're going back to go to the old house" she adds.

Until the End of time [3] Klaus Mikaelson (BWWM)✅Where stories live. Discover now