Part Two - Patton

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The day was bright and early. I woke up as I usually do. The sounds of my alarm, which I set to meowing kittens. It probably wasn't the most effect way to wake up, but I enjoy it. It makes me happy to hear the cute sounds. And what better way to wake up than wake up happy?

I crawled out of bed, slipping my feet into my floppy ear cat slippers. Despite being allergic to cats, I can't resist their adorable faces. I took my black framed glasses from my bed side table and slid them on my face, the world becoming much clearer now. I stood up, gliding over to my window, I pulled back the curtains and let the shining sun beat down on my face.

After that, a walked into my bathroom, glancing at my freckly, happy face in the mirror. I opened my medicine cabinet, grabbing some lotion for my face and my comb. I combed out my hair, my curls springing to life. After that, I made my way into my closet.

My closet was filled with clothes. Maybe not as much as Roman's, but it was a close second. I mainly had animal onesies and a few skirts that I wear when I'm alone, but today, I decided to wear what I usually do. I grabbed my light blue polo and a gray cardigan. I threw on my favorite pair of light brown pants and called myself good.

I exited my room, hearing the subtle sound of Roman humming to him and Logan drinking coffee coming from the living room. I rode the railing down the stairs, hopping off as I hit the bottom. Both boys looked up at me. "Morning, Patton." Roman greeted with his angelic voice. Roman was Thomas' creativity. He dressed like a prince and acted like one too. It fit his personality in my opinion.

"Greetings, Patton." Logan said, looking back down at the book in his hands. Logan was Logic. He always wore a black polo with blue jeans and a snazzy blue tie. He had glasses just like mine, which he insists is just coincidence.

"Hey there, kiddos! You guys hungry?" I asked. Both of them nodded, giving me my queue to glide into the kitchen to make some breakfast. I was a little unsure about what to make, but as soon as I opened the fridge, I felt the strong pull to make some pancakes. Or, as I call them, Patt-cakes.

I started making the batter. It was pretty simple, but the only difference was the amount of love I put in it. But Logan just thinks I had extra sugar.

After that, I put the batter onto the steaming griddle, hearing the mouth watering sizzle. That was enough to get both Roman and Logan out of their chairs. I laughed a little, flipping the first pancake. "How did you sleep last night, Patton?" Logan asked me.

"Fine. How 'bout you?" I fired back, putting a pancake onto a plate.

"Not that well. I was awakened when the control panel sensed a disturbance in the Dark Mind Palace." We all froze. I gave Logan a terrified look, almost forgetting about the burning pancakes. I quickly reacted, fixing my error.

"What do you think happened?" Roman pondered. Logan shrugged and sighed, taking a lot sip of his coffee.

"Do you think someone else...showed up?" I asked, passing plates to my two hungry friends.

"Highly unlikely. I mean, what other part of Thomas would form now? He's in the prime of his life. He has a steady job, great friends, and is finally being true to his sexual preferences. I'm sure it was just Remus and Deceit mucking about to mess with us." With that, Logan dug into his pancakes. Roman and I shared a concerned glance before we to, ate away at our breakfasts.

The afternoon rolled around and we were all sitting around the TV. We were in Thomas' living room, binge watching Disney upon Roman's request. I think this is the fourth movie. I don't know. I've been a little foggy ever since Logan mention the Dark Mind Palace. It's not that I'm afraid of's just the memories of over there.

All sides form in the unknown. Dark or Light. I remember when I first formed, I was terrified. It was so dark and cold. The only thing I had was my positivity and knowledge of right and wrong to form who I was. Roman had already formed before me, so he came to get me. I was so scared, I didn't know if I could trust him. I'm glad I did. He introduced to a much happier world. I place that felt like me. When Logan formed and we went to go get him, I felt good. Like I was repaying a favor.

"Patton?" Thomas said, his voice raised.

"W-Wha?" I asked, rubbing my eyes. I could see everyone giving me an odd eye.

"Something up, buddy?"

"Oh, I uh, I'm just tired. I think I've been watching the TV for too long." I lied.

"See, I knew all this filmed make believe would be bad for Thomas some way or another!" Logan sighed, watching Roman childishly roll his eyes and turn off the TV. "Why don't we get some work done instead, hm?" We all nodded. Thomas ran upstairs to fetch his laptop, returning a few seconds later.

After that, we spent the rest of the night, surrounding him like moths bathing in the light of his computer. Roman and Logan were mostly helping him. I was still in my own world. I would throw in comments every now and again just to seem present but, it was obvious my lively nature had diminished.

Sooner or later, the clock chimed eight. I sunk out, followed by Logan and Roman. "Satisfactory amount of work today, you two." Logan complimented. We nodded, trudging ourselves up to our rooms. I collapsed onto my bed after wishing my good nights to the others. I hardly had the energy to remove my shoes. Being in the real world that long can put a heavy strain on us and Thomas as result. I moved my glasses onto my bedside table before falling deeply asleep.

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