Part Eight - Virgil

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Deceit and Remus went up to their rooms hours ago. I told them I would do the same, but I haven't moved from the corner of the couch I was tucked in to. I wanted to go back to the control panel. I wanted to see if Morality...if Patton was still there. I know it's a foolish thought. I know all the threats Deceit said but I can't help it much longer. He might be right about the Light Sides, but not Patton. He's nice and cares about me. At least, I'm hoping he does.

I stretched my leg down to the floor, trying to find a soft spot so the floor wouldn't creek. My heart was beating in my ears. I could hardly focus on anything else. With delicate toes, I crept into the control panel's room.

I could practically feel Deceit's wrath bubbling in my stomach, but I was too far in to turn back and not be in trouble.

The purple panel lit up with glee as I came closer. I put my hands on the keyboard, a rush of adrenaline pumping through me. A small smile found its way to my face. This felt right, in a weird way.

A message suddenly popped up over the threat from Logic. Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry Logan said that. I didn't mean for him to see our conversations. I understand if you don't want to talk with me anymore.

My heart sank. I felt bad that he felt this way. Without thinking twice, I replied: It's okay. You didn't send that, he did. I took a pause. Is it true? What he said.

Unfortunately it is. He answered. Logan is very serious when it comes to Thomas and his well being. I may not know what you represent, but I do know what you are. I froze. He already knows I'm a Dark Side. Is that all I'll ever be? I'll be judged for something I can't control about myself?!

I'm sorry. I wrote back. I was about to turn around and walk out, fat tears rolling down my cheeks when I heard him write back.

No! It's not a bad thing. You seem different than the others do. I mean, you're friendly and kind. You're not like a Dark Side. You're more like...a gray side! Something in between. I lightly smiled at the compliment, a blush rushing to my cheeks. How can a stranger say such nice things when he only knows a few things about me?

Thank you. You're really kind too. I mean, you didn't have to accept me. But, here we are. I said back.

It's the least I can do. He replied. I felt a warm feeling inside me. What was this? I felt cared about and wanted and appreciated. It was so odd. It didn't feel like how I felt around Deceit or Remus. This was a whole new feeling. I really liked it. What's your favorite food?

I thought on that for a second. I didn't really have one considering the only things I've eaten here are Remus' soup from hell and Deceit's attempt at pancakes. Don't have one. Haven't eaten that many good things. I responded.

When we meet one day, I'm totally making you pancakes, spaghetti, chicken noodle soup; everything I can make, you're gonna try!

You really want to meet me one day? I asked, feeling anxious energy surround me.

Of course, kiddo. You're fun to talk to. More so than Roman or Logan. I chuckled at that. Then, I got curious.

What are the other sides like?

Oh...well. He started, not responding for a brief second to think. Roman is Thomas' creativity. He's pretty outgoing and wild. It takes a little getting used to with him, but he means well. Logan is logic, obviously. He's pretty quiet but isn't afraid to speak up when it involves Thomas. He's very protecting of him, which we all are. I froze for a second. I knew Deceit was lying to me. They aren't at all how Deceit made them sound. There's must be something Deceit doesn't want me to know about them. But what? What are the other Dark Sides like? He asked.

Where do I start? I answered, making myself laugh. Deceit is very hot headed. He likes everything done to a tee and hates to see it any other way. Remus is just...gross. We have a wet spot on our couch that I'm 98% is from him, but I'm too afraid to ask.

Wow. Was his simple response. I felt a little nervous. Will he think I'm not being taken care of back here? Will he want to take me to the Light Side home? As nice as the others sound, I don't think they like me very much. Or at all. My palms got sweaty. Can I go out on a limb? He asked.


Are you Anxiety? Those three words made me stop. I didn't want to correct him and tell him I was Paranoia. I knew the feeling of Paranoia didn't feel right. But...Anxiety feels better.

I put my hands on the keyboard to reply. That's when I heard it. "VIRGIL!"

I jumped half way out of my skin, my bones rattling. I slowly turned around, seeing Deceit leaning against the doorway. There was a bone chilling scowl on his face. I put my hands up in surrender, not being able to hold them up straight due to all the shaking I was doing. "I-I wasn't going to r-r-respond, I swear!"

"Oh sure. I believe you!" He cooed. Suddenly, he pounced forward, grabbing my body and slamming it against the wall. "You had your shaky little hands all over the keyboard, don't you fucking dare lie to me!" He growled. I nodded, trying to appease to him so he'd let me go. "I didn't want to do this, Virgil. But you leave me with no other choice."

Before I could process, he grabbed my forehead and slammed my head back against the wall. The entire room spun and my eyes were having a hard time focusing. "Just sleep, Virgil." Deceit whispered to me. Even though I didn't want to, my eyes slipped closed and I felt myself drop dead on the ground. Everything was still.

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