Part Twenty One - Virgil

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Everything hurt. That's all I knew. That's all I understood right now. I couldn't think. I couldn't move. I couldn't speak. It's like everything was taken away from me all of the sudden. One minute I'm begging Patton to worry about Thomas and to just spare me. The next...nothing. It's like I blacked out or something.

But none of that matters now. All I know is the gut wrenching burning I feel in my chest. Everything in my body stiffens. Where am I right now? The surface below me is hard and feels like lumber on my finger tips.

I leaned up, gaining a pounding throb from head to toe. Everything around me spun for a second. Once it came back into view, I notice I was facing a kitchen. I hesitantly stood up, taking quiet steps to the small area.

It was much nicer than ours. It had rustic off-white cabinets with a pearly white fridge and stove. There was a small silver sink sitting in the middle of the counter top. Surrounding it was a paper towel holler, a small fruit bowl, and wooden utensils sitting in a vase. Everything about it screamed homey. It was really charming. I liked it.

Making my way out of the kitchen, I noticed there was a living room. It was about the size of our, with different, less broken furniture. There was a giant, worn in brown couch, a small coffee table, a brown chair, and a TV front and center. The TV was playing through the credits of some sort of film.

There was also art on the wall. Art from many different drawings of people that looked like Logic, Creativity, and Patton. Speaking of, I turned again to the couch and chair. In them, were three sleeping sides. It made my heart flutter a little bit. I'm sure they are pretty tired after this whole journey. I have to remember to thank them when they wake up.

Moving up the stairs, there were many picture frames. They were all full with different pictures of the three sides and someone else I've never seen before. This other person looked a lot like Creativity. He didn't wear a prince outfit however. Instead, normal clothes like a generic T-shirt and jeans. Was-was this Thomas?

Continuing my climb, I got to the second level. There were three doors down a long hallway that ended with, what I assumed to be, the back door of the imagination. I walked down the hallway, the soft carpet hugging my feet.

Each door down the hall had its own personality painted on to it. One was dark blue, a brain with black glasses painted on it. That must be Logic's room. Across from it was a dark red door. This one dawning a dramatic shield with a very fanciful design on it. No doubt, this was Creativity's room.

Finally, I found what must've been Patton's door. It was the happiest color of blue, just seeing it made me smile. A white heart with glasses was painted on it. Yep, definitely Patton's room.

I turned around, suddenly seeing my door on the wall across from Patton's. It took me by surprise at first, but then I realized, it was merely like an old friend. I opened the door, everything was exact same. Same layout, same sheets and blankets, same dressers, same clothes. Nothing had changed. Finally, something normal in my life.

I hurt a small sob come from behind me. I jumped, quickly spinning around. I lightened up however, when I saw Patton standing there. He had his hands covering his mouth, tears falling down his face and fogging up his glasses. He laughed a little, removing his glasses to look at me again.

I took a step closer to him, prompting him to step closer too. We met in the middle, our eyes just looking at each other like we hadn't in a long time. He was so...perfect. He had almost unnoticeable freckles, a small button nose, and rose red cheeks but that could be from the crying.

Without another thought, he wrapped me into a hug. Overcome with shock, I returned it. Water sparked at my eyes as I sunk my head into his shoulder to avoid him seeing me cry. But we just stayed like that for who knows how long.

When we pulled apart, he put his glasses back on. His smile never left his beaming face. "Hiya kiddo." He whispered through a harsh breath.

"W-What happened?" I asked in return. I wish I never asked. His face sunk like ship. He didn't even have to say anything. He just extended his finger I pushed it into my heart. When a small pain burst from that spot, I suddenly understood.

"I'm sorry, kiddo." He cried, wiping his eyes once more.

"It's okay. I'm okay." I told him, grabbing his hand and giving it a firm squeeze. He smiled again, just looking at our wived hands.

"Patton! Where is Anxiety!" We heard from downstairs. We looked out the door, Patton giving a small laugh.

"Let's go meet the rest of your family, kiddo." He told me. I happily agreed. We both walked down the hall, rattling our feet down the stairs. Both Logic and Creativity watched in awe as I was alive and kicking. Patton let go of my hand, letting me walk to the ground level.

I walked out in front of the two sides. Their eyes were locked on me, giving me an odd feeling and a glow in my cheeks. "My name is Anxiety. T-Thank you for saving me." I mumbled. Creativity was the first to come up to me. He stuck he hand out, seeming as flashy as ever.

"Call me, Roman. The pleasure was ours." He assured me.

"And you may call me, Logan." The other side greeted, taking my hand for a shake. I smiled shyly at the both of them. Their friendliness seemed so odd. This was something I never experienced before. But I liked the change.

Patton came up behind me and wrapped me in a hug. Roman chuckled, joining our hug. We had to convince Logan to join, but with a roll of his eyes and a half smile, he joined in. A few more tears slid down my face, I just couldn't contain my joy right now.

"Do you have a name, Anxiety?" Roman asked as we broke apart, all falling on the ground in a small circle.

"Isn't it Anxiety?" I questioned, earning a laugh from everyone, including me.

"No, like...a real name?" Logan followed up. Virgil. I remembered. It made me shutter. The only one who called me that are the people that made my lives hell. All the memories, all the blood, everything.

"L-Let's just leave it at Anxiety." I said. The others nodded. I was thankful that they didn't push the topic. I looked down at my arms and legs, noticing the my bracelets and black veins were gone. I wonder if Deceit somehow removed them form the Dark Mind Palace. Or maybe it's more like a metaphor. That life was the past.

Everything after the past, is better than I'll ever know.

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