Part Eleven - Virgil

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I slowly woke up, my head pounding like a drum and my body stiff as a board. My eye lids peeled apart, the room spinning for a few seconds before lining up. I pushed myself up off the floor, seeing I hadn't been moved from the spot Deceit shoved me into inside the control panel's room.

The control panel seemed to be either turned off or deactivated as it was lifeless. I couldn't hear any other noise around the house. They must've gone to bed. I stood up, stretching out my harden bones. Everything about me was throbbing and in pain. How long had I been left on the floor?

I walked out of the room, cold air sticking to my sweat drenched body. The sky outside was dark and cloudy. Thomas must've been asleep.

I ran my hands up and down my arms, feeling two bracelets on the ends of both my arms. They were pitch black steel. I couldn't shove it over my hand to get it off. And there were no buttons or latches to take it off. It was stuck to me. I also had them at my ankles, right under my pant sleeves.

The reflection of from outside caught against the dead TV, snapping my attention. I looked out the window, wanting to see for myself. I could see in the distance, the flashing of something big. I couldn't tell what was causing it. Was someone taking pictures? Was there a lightening storm? Is that something that's even possible in someone's mind?

I opened the front door, wanting to get a closer look. The closer I stepped, I started to hear voices. They weren't super loud, nor could I make out what they were saying, but they were prominent.

I approached a black barrier, a chilling breeze stopping me. I reached out to the barrier, putting my hand on it. My hand phased right through it. I was shocked as I fell forwards. When I looked back up, I gasped.

There were three people, standing in this big flashing void. Two of them looked in distress, while the other lay unconscious on the ground. The one had pushed back hair with a royal red sash covering his pearly white prince outfit. The slightly taller one hand thick glasses and a dark polo with a tie. He seemed like the serious type, but his face read concern.

The person on the ground had a gray cardigan around his light blue polo. He also had thick glasses and light brown pants. He didn't look hurt, which made me feel slightly better. The prince picked up the one of the ground, taking a closer look at him.

That's when it hit me. It all came down like a crash of bricks. That was Roman...and Logan...and...Patton! What was he doing out here? And how did he end up like that?

Suddenly, the room lit up white, a purple tint rising up the walls. It obviously scared the other two as the princely man ran off with the taller one. I was so confused, what were they running from? Were they running from me?

The room started to form more and more like my room. I realized, I made this room into this. Pink mist started to fall from the sky, a shake rattled my bones. "Virgil!" I heard an all too familiar voice shout.

I yelped out in fear, I hate when he yells at me. Suddenly, the bracelets on my wrists and ankles lit up a bright yellow. I gasped as they seemed to control the movements of my limps. My feet dragged themselves backwards while my arms secured themselves to my sides. I was sweating nervous bullets, what was happening to me?

I phased back through the barrier to see Deceit. His one eye was glowing brightly while his hands had little balls of yellow energy sitting in them. "What the hell were you doing in the imagination?!" He inquired angrily.

"I-I-I don't know. I-I saw the lights and got curious." I stammered, trying not to show my emotions on my sleeve.

"I created this damn barrier just so you wouldn't see out there! Why must you always defy me you, worthless piece of shit!" He raised his hand, my body still frozen. I could move or do anything. I could only taste the tangy metallic flavor on my tongue after he slapped me across the face.

I gave him a pitiful look, my eyes hoping for mercy. "What did you do to me?" I meekly asked.

"So you've noticed your new...restrictions?" He purred, taking my chin in his hand. His smile bent upwards, craving my fear. "You were getting too defiant, Virgil. You need to know your place. How else is that going to happen than without a little...instruction?" Tears brimmed in my eyes at the thought.

"You've done this to yourself, boy. You didn't have to go into the control panel room, and you did. You didn't have to talk to that side, but you did. YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO CROSS THAT BARRIER TO SEE THOSE DAMN LIGHT SIDES, BUT YOU STILL DID!" Deceit screamed at me, making those loose tears fall. His hand crossed right into my gut, sending me tumbling backwards.

I coughed and gagged, trying to get my breath back. I stayed there on the ground for a few seconds, letting Deceit loom over me. "You are my puppet now, Virgil. Do you understand?" He spat. When I didn't respond, he grabbed my jacket, lifting my back off the ground to meet his face. "DO YOU UNDERSTAND!?" He screamed, cold breath dancing on my face.

I nodded, just wanting him to let me go. He dropped me back down, letting hit the ground with a hard thud. "Come along, Virgil." Without another word, the bracelets became yellow, and I was pulled off the ground. I kept crying, not being able to handle the weight of the situation. Deceit had my entire body in the palm of his hands.

And there is absolutely nothing I can do about it.

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