Part Eighteen - Roman

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Anxiety could hardly hold himself up, all his shaking upon seeing Deceit come down the stairs. "Welcoming the house guests, are we, Anxiety?" Deceit purred. Anxiety shook his head, looking between us and his captor.

"N-N-No, D-Deceit. I-I was ac-actually show-showing them out." He breathed, giving a weak smile to Deceit. His lie didn't slip through Deceit's detection. His smile fell, walking further down the stairs.

I held my arm out across the others, not letting my family get hurt because of this snake. Anxiety didn't move despite Patton whispering at him, begging him to move. The gloved snake yanked Anxiety's chin into his hand. The poor side was on the tips of his toes, sniffling could be heard from him. "You really had to drag them into this, didn't you?" Deceit growled.

"Leave him alone!" Patton shouted. Both mine and Logan's head whipped to Patton. Nervously, I caught a glance at Deceit. He was very unamused.

"You really think he's all innocent? You know what he is, right? A Dark Side. He deserves no less treatment than Remus and I have received! What makes him more special than us!" Snarled the snake.

"He hasn't actively hurt Thomas. Unlike you two! You've both tried to steer Thomas into chaos before!" Logan protested. That was the last straw for Deceit. His yellow eye began to glow as well as his hands. Suddenly, Anxiety's wrist and ankles lit up the same color.

Anxiety turned, facing us. He struck a fighting position, tears streaming down his face. Deceit smirked, seeing all of our faces shift to confusion. "See. He's not all innocent." Deceit laughed. He ran at us, prompting me to summon my sword to protect my friends. As Anxiety aimed to attack, he continued to cry. Something about this seemed odd to me.

Anxiety swung his fist, giving me enough time to grab it. He wasn't every strong, nor did he seem like he was trying. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." He mumbled to me. I gazed again to his yellow joints.

"What have you done to him?" I inquired.

"I see you've noticed his accessories." Giggled Deceit. I growled, easing my grip on his fist. However, as soon as I did, he other fist came and socked me in the face. I landed on the couch, a loose spring ripping the back of my suit.

Next was Logan. Anxiety grabbed Logan's tie, pushing his back against the wall. I could tell he was trying to struggle, but also trying not to hurt Anxiety. Logan ducked, breaking free just as Anxiety aimed for a hit to his face.

Logan gave me a look. I could tell the same thought was passing through our heads. I jumped up from the couch, the both of us charging at Deceit. Patton grabbed Anxiety's hands, trying to hold him back. I could tell, the poor side somehow felt safer, knowing he couldn't hurt us as long as he was restrained.

Deceit grew surprised at us running at him. I tackled him to the ground. He kept kicking and punching me, failing to wiggle out of my grasp. Logan grabbed one of his arms trying to help. Deceit seemed to let go of Anxiety as sooner or later, Patton came over and grabbed Deceit's other arm.

"It's over, snake!" I growled, "We got you backed into your own little hole. Might as well just give up?" I suggested.

"You know nothing. You think I didn't expect this to happen?" He laughed, watching my face sprout confusion. "I knew Remus wouldn't be able to beat you. I knew it would come to this. And you're a complete fool to think I was ill prepared for this!" With that, he snapped his fingers.

The house started shaking. I examined the walls, seeing the paint and wall hangings flake off and fall. I felt Deceit's weight fall through my fingers. Looking back, he had disappeared from our grasp. "GUYS!" Anxiety yelled. We turned around, seeing Deceit holding his gloves hand over the poor sides' mouth.

Deceit flipped his cape. Both of them disappeared as the cape passed over them. The house then cracked in half. Logan grabbed onto both Patton and I. As soon as I latched onto his arm in return, we fell through the large divide that had formed.

The fall seemed to be never ending. I didn't realized Deceit's magic was so powerful. All I could hear was Patton, Logan, and I screaming. All I could focus on the sick feeling in my stomach. All I could feel was Logan's grip slowly loosening.

Eventually, I slipped away. I could see them grow farther and farther away. I grew so scared. I was afraid I won't see them again. What the hell has Deceit done with Anxiety? What the hell has Deceit done with us?!

Suddenly, I hit the ground. As soon as I looked up, two snakes slithered over to me. I panicked a little too late, as the snakes wrapped themselves around me, squeezing me 'til it was hard to breath. I coughed out, faintly hearing my name being called.

I looked over to see Logan and Patton at my side. They were also tied up in snakes. It was no mystery as to who caused this.

Right in front of us emerged Deceit. Brightly glowing wrists and ankles, Anxiety was right by his side. Tears were flowing freely down his face. He looked over to Deceit, weakly sobbing, "P-Please." Anxiety begged, "Don't hurt them."

"Oh, Anxiety. I won't hurt them." Deceit cooed, stroking his wet face. Deceit summoned a large knife, grinning for ear to ear. Anxiety's hands opened up, allowing him to place the knife in them. "You will."

Anxiety rapidly shook his head, failing to convince Deceit of letting him go. Slowly, Anxiety walked closer to me, knife sticking directly out in front of him. He stopped when the tip of the knife was poking my forehead. "I'm so sorry." Anxiety whispered, sniffling and sobbing.

"I know," I said, knowing he was unable to stop. With a shaky breath, I closed my eyes, excepting my fate.

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