Part Nineteen - Patton

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I couldn't help myself any longer. I couldn't just stand here, tied up against my will while Roman was moments away from death. Anxiety held the knife to Roman's head. A slow stream of blood moving down his features. Roman took a breath, waiting for Anxiety to finish him off. The knife continued to cut as Anxiety sobbed. He couldn't stop himself. He had no control.

"Stop!" Logan screeched, freezing Deceit's control on Anxiety in an instant. "Roman played no part in this! I'm the one who sent this entire thing overboard!" Logan claimed. Anxiety rapidly shook his head, not wanting anyone else to get involved in this.

"Well, if you insist." Deceit grinned. With a wave of his hand, Anxiety stepped over to Logan. His feet landed heavily on the ground, not being able to fully come to a stop. When he reached Logan, he placed the knife to his neck. Logan's breathing stuttered, but came out in short, fearful breaths.

The knife placed harshly on his skin, causing it to rip and bleed. The more Deceit's hand curved to a fist, the harder Anxiety pushed. Roman had his glance looked on Deceit like a target. He kept trying to break connections with the snakes holding him in place, but to no avail.

Water fell down my cheeks. How did I let this happen? How did civil conversation get Anxiety imprisoned and us trapped at the will of Deceit. I wish I could say, I wish I never talked with Anxiety, but that's not the case. It never will be. Anxiety needed our help. I can't let this happen any longer.

"This isn't Logan's fault!" I shouted, taking a second to sob. "I started this. I talked to Anxiety. Why are we playing the blame game when all the signs point to me?!" I protested. Deceit smirked, waving his hand once more and having Anxiety walk over to me.

"I was hoping you'd say something, Patton." The snake purred, joining Anxiety right in front of me. The poor side was uncontrollably sobbing and shaking. I could see the relapsing pain in his eyes as the knife fluttered closer and closer to my heart. The black in his veins pulsated, sending him through another round of pain.

"I didn't think you'd let your friends die with their blood on your hands anyway. That'd be so...un-Morality of you." Deceit chuckled. The red tinted knife hovered above my heart, inches away from my death.

"I'm so sorry it had to be this way." Anxiety whined, glossy eyed and wet faced.

"I'm sorry too, kiddo." I mumbled, putting my head down in surrender. Logan and Roman screamed and yelled, trying to stop what has happening, but it was too late. I felt the knife puncture my shirt. I felt it connect to my skin and my shirt get wet. I felt every second of it, but in an instant, it all went away.

I opened my eyes to see Anxiety had stabbed the knife into Deceit's palm. He let out a pained scream, letting go of his power on Anxiety. Like lightening, the side ran over to Logan and Roman, cutting the snakes in half to free them. While Deceit continued to yell and agonize in pain, he cut the snakes off of me as well.

Anxiety helped me to my feet. As soon as he did, he pulled me into a hug. I placed my hands upon his back gently, not wanting to overwhelm him. I knew this is what he always wanted. Some source of love in his life. He needed a family.

"You idiotic excuse of a side!" Deceit hissed, pulling the knife from his hand. Within seconds, the wound on his hand healed itself. The only evidence remaining was the blood on his gloves. "You betrayed me!"

"To be fair, he betrayed you a long time ago." Roman remarked, summoning his sword and stepping in front of us. Deceit took a second. First he chuckled. Then he laughed. A crazy, lost his mind type of laugh.

"This means nothing!!! You haven't won, nor have I yet to lose!" He boomed. Anxiety's joints lit up again. I held tightly to him, but Deceit's magic was too strong. He blew over to Deceit, yelling and shaking all the way. The snake put his hand onto his shoulder, summoning another large knife.

"If you can't kill the others, I'm sure you could kill yourself!" He shouted. Roughly shoving the knife into Anxiety's hands, the side wrapped his fingers around the handle. With rattling hands, he carefully placed the knife over his heart.

"Stop this! This has gone way too far!" Logan commanded.

"You can't be serious, Deceit. Surely, you don't care about Thomas this little to take out a side like this." Roman countered.

"THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THOMAS!" Deceit yelled, making Anxiety flinch. "This is between Anxiety and his little pen pal, Patton." The snake spat. Deceit closed his fist, making Logan and Roman's hands fly to their mouths.

"You have two options here, Patton." Purred the snake. "Either Anxiety can die now, or he can live and stay with me. Forever subject to a world of torture. But, it's for the betterment of Thomas, right? So, what's more important to you? Thomas' well being? Or Anxiety's?"

My glance looked between Anxiety and Deceit. He was dead serious, I could see it in his slimy face. Anxiety shook his head, panting and sweating. "Let me live, Patton." He breathed, "I-I can survive, Deceit. T-Thomas needs me."

Deceit snarled, clenching his fist. Anxiety suddenly sucked in a breath, his eyes flooding with yellow. He held his jaw tightly shut in pain, but once it was over, it was like the life was removed from him. Anxiety held no expression. Just neutral with a knife over his heart and piercing yellow eyes.

"Can't have any outside influences, now can we?" Deceit laughed.

Roman and Logan were trying to talk with me, but only did I hear mumbles. No one could help me make this choice. I had to make it on my own, and Deceit was sure of that. What was I going to do? Let Anxiety live in pain, or kill him? Get rid of all his pain and suffering and risk something happening to Thomas?

I took a breath, hands sweaty and shaking. "I've made my choice."

What should Patton do?

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