Part Ten - Logan

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"Logan!" Roman hollered, pounding on my door. I sighed, shutting my third volume of physics 101. I stood up from my desk, pushing my glasses further on my face. I glanced at my clock as I walked to my door. 10:30 pm. What in the world could Roman want at this hour of night?

I opened my door slightly, giving Roman a harsh stare. "What is it, Roman?"

"Have you seen Patton?" He asked, a frantic look in his eye. I opened my door more, relaxing my look. I back tracked my thoughts, trying to remember the last time I saw him.

"Not recently." I concluded.

"Oh god." Roman mumbled. He pinched the bridge of his nose. I could sense the stress surrounding him.

"What?" I questioned.

"Patton must've gone into the imagination." He yelled, acting as if it was the end of the world. I rolled my eyes at his energy. I could never understand how he always has so much energy.

"So? You enter the imagination all the time. As do I. Patton will be fine." I was about to close my door when Roman shoved his foot in.

"You don't understand. Thomas is going to bed. If Patton's in there, the mind will turn off the imagination and put Patton to sleep so Thomas' mind fully shuts down so he can sleep!" He explained. My eyes grew like saucers and my mouth dropped. Ever since Thomas started taking pills to help him sleep, Roman had warned us about its effects on the imagination. I never took them so seriously, but I knew when he said the imagination was closed for the night, he meant it.

"We have to go get him." I huffed. Roman agreed, racing at my heels towards the back door. I grabbed the handle and yanked it open. Lone behold, Patton standing deep inside the imagination with fake animals dancing around him. "PATTON!" I screamed.

He looked at me, giving me a small wave. Roman started moving his arm, trying to get him to come closer to us. I followed his movements, hoping anything would work at this point.

Unfortunately, he didn't catch on as pink fuzz started raining from the imagination sky. He picked up a piece, taking a closer look. My hands lightly shook in fear, seeing his meek ignorance get the better of him. He started swaying and falling forwards. I couldn't describe how I felt. All I knew is I wanted to save him but I was frozen to my spot.

Roman grabbed me and pulled me back inside, slamming the door. I pushed myself off the floor, sending a glare in his direction. "What was that for!" I hollered.

"We'll never get Patton out of there if we fall asleep too." He retorted. "We have to wait." I leaned against the wall, arms crossed. I knew it was a bad idea for Thomas to take pills to control his sleep schedule. If he had just stuck to my plan form the start, he would've been well rested already!

"When can we go back in?" I asked, taking a breath.

"Give it another minute. It'll vent out and then we can rush in before it sends another burst of that stuff in there. We'll have to be fast, but we can do it." He assured me. Roman cracked the door, peaking inside. I looked inside too, seeing a motionless Patton on the ground inside an endless world of black.

"Try to keep your mind blank. That'll help to not reawaken the imagination." Roman said. I nodded, swiftly following Roman inside. I kept my head as clear as possible, but could still see that the imagination was trying to turn back on.

We slowly but surely reached Patton. He looked so peaceful lying on the ground. Roman scooped him up in his arms, looking over him to make sure he was okay. "I think he's okay." Roman concluded. I gave him a thumbs up as the imagination grew a bright white. I looked around, my nerves becoming shot. "Someone else is in here!" He announced.

"Let's get out of here!" I shouted. With that, Roman and I sprinted towards the back door. The pink mist was swirling down from the ceiling again. Whoever reignited the imagination must've known we were here and wanted us out.

I heard a faint scream deep in the mind. I turned back to see if anyone was there but nothing remained.

I opened the door as Roman rushed it, quickly running in myself and slamming the door. I pressed my back against the door, heavily panting. Roman set Patton delicately on the couch before collapsing into the chair next to him.

I dragged myself over to him, looking over Patton again. He had the pink fuzz all over shirt while his eyes were still peacefully shut. I sighed, running my hands over my face. "Why was he in the imagination?" I huffed.

"I don't know." Roman sighed, running his fingers through his hair. "Let's get all the fuzz off him and wake him up." He told me. I nodded, going to the kitchen to grab some gloves to remove the fuzz. I also grabbed the trash can, bringing it close to Patton. After that, Roman watched me remove all the fuzz.

I couldn't lie, I could feel the strong effect of sleep drag my eyes down at certain points. But I fought through it until Patton's shirt was cleared of the fuzz. I removed my gloves, throwing them away. I put the trash can back as Roman made sure I didn't miss any.

"So, what do we do wake him up?" I asked.

"Just shake him I guess. I don't think it will take much." With that, Roman took his arm while I put my hands on his stomach. We rattled his body back and forth until tiny moans release themselves from his lips.

Eventually, he opened his eyes, giving us odd stares. I backed up, as did Roman, giving him plenty of space. Patton rubbed his eyes, positioning himself up. "Are you okay, Patton?" Roman spoke first.

"Yeah, w-what happened?" He slurred.

"You went into the imagination during its shut off." Roman told him. "I've said it countless times, Patt, when Thomas goes to bed, the imagination is off limits."

"I know, I know. I just forgot, I guess." He shrugged.

"Why were you even in the imagination?" I asked. His face went red as he rubbed his arm, trying to relieve his nerves. "Patton?"

"The other side..." He whispered. He didn't need to say anything more. I rolled my eyes and sighed, placing my hand on his knee.

"Patton, I already told you. That side is only trying to take advantage of you!" I said.

"YOU DON'T KNOW THAT!" He snapped. He covered his mouth as soon as the words left his body. Tears sparks in his irises as he kept looking at my shocked face. He dashed up to his room before I could say anything else.

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