Part Fourteen - Roman

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I moved my body, my back aching in pain. Moving my hand to rub it, I couldn't help but feel my hand rub against something. I patted that object. They were pillows. This confused me, they didn't feel like the pillows I normally sleep on.

My eyes opened, only to be greeted by the scene of our living room. The TV was still on, playing the title screen for Aladdin. That seemed to trigger my memory. Patton had yelled at Logan, something he never does. It was about that side he keeps talking to. I know how much it bugs Logan that he's talking to him. I normally wouldn't care, but it's all Logan talks about.

After Patton yelled at Logan, he dashed up to his room. Logan looked at me, pure shock drawn all over his face. "D-Did I do something wrong?" He asked me. I rolled my eyes, not believe how incredibly clueless he can be sometimes.

"Logan, this side matters to him. I know you don't understand feelings that well, but you can't deny your understanding of Patton. He trusts this side, and if he trusts him, we should respect his opinion and try to understand it." I told him. His eyes filled with remorse. He stood up from the couch, put his hand on my shoulder.

"Thank you, Roman." He said, doing his best to be sincere. "I'll go talk to him. Why don't you get some rest, it's pretty late." With that, Logan headed upstairs. That's when I decided to watch some Disney movies to wind down. Obviously, I fell asleep sometime during Aladdin.

As it made sense in my head, I heard a charm go off from a separate room. I wasn't entirely sure what it was. It sounded a lot like a door bell, but was in the opposite direction of our door. I finally stood up, heading towards the sound.

I took out my sword, preparing for anything. The sound lead me to the control panel room. The door was closed, but I could see the lights from under the door. I clutched my sword tighter, turning the door knob and pushing the door wide open.

I took my stance, slowly releasing it when I saw no one else in the room. The panel was still fired up with life. I made my sword disappear into nothingness as I approached the panel. I saw Patton's screen had the messages open. There were his messages to the other side. The last message caught my eye.


Fear jolted through me, my heart pounding heavily. I kept backing up, whether out of fear or the need to do something, I wasn't sure. My back ran into something. I whipped around to see Logan standing there, surprised by my presence. "Oh, good morning, Roman." He nonchalantly greeted. The normal stone cold face he often wore melted into something of fear, like mine. "What's the matter, Roman?"

"The side Patton's been talking to; I think he's in danger." I explained. Logan pushed passed me to read the message for himself. He turned to me, scrambling his thoughts into words.

"We have to tell Patton. Thomas can't risk loosing a fully formed side." I agreed, leading Logan in a frantic rush up the stairs to Patton's room. I had so much fear running through me. What's going on over in the Dark Sides' area we're so oblivious to?

Face to face with Patton's light blue, wooden door, I formed my hand into a fist and pounded. "Patton? Patton are you awake?" I yelled. Faintly, I could hear him shuffle around inside his room. When he opened the door, he looked fresh out of bed. His hair was mess, he had his cat onesie on, and he had left his glasses behind as his eyes were small and squinting at me.

"What's going on?" Patton yawned, rubbing his eyes.

"It's the side you've been talking to." That was all Logan had to say for Patton's head to shot up, suddenly wide awake.

"What about Anxiety?" He asked, seeming scared to.

"He's in trouble." I finished. Patton's face grew stern, his face turning red in absolute anger.

"Let me change." With that, Patton shut his door, leaving Logan and I to ourselves.

"We should probably get read for a fight. Who knows what Deceit and Remus are doing to Anxiety." Logan sighed. I couldn't help but agree. I know my brother. He pretty much follows Deceit's actions. So if Deceit is angry with Anxiety, so is Remus. And Remus can be a lot more dangerous than Deceit if he wants to be.

Patton exited his room, his normal attire on. "Let's go." We headed downstairs, I took a moment to practice fighting with my sword. Logan took a second to run to his room, grabbing a book that read, Magic over Mind.

"Should we warn Thomas? I mean, we don't know how this will affect him." Patton suggested.

"True, we don't know what this will do his mind. However, he should be asleep very soon. So we should cross through the imagination quickly before he takes his sleeping medication and the pink fuzz knocks us out." Logan told us.

"Logan's right. Let's head out." I said. I looked over to Patton, his hands were visibly shaking with nerve. I walked over to him, grabbing his clammy hands. "Don't be nervous, Patton. Anxiety is going to be okay. We're going to help him." Patton nodded, taking a deep breath.

"You're right. I know you're right." He giggled, directing his eyes towards the control panel's room. "But that doesn't take all the nerves away." He sighed. Logan headed up the stairs, prompting us to follow. As we came to the back door, I couldn't help but feel excited. Adventures always got my blood pumping. Not to mention, we were doing it together like old times. I knew how much Patton missed this. I hope this takes his mind off of Anxiety.

As Logan reached for the door knob, a body rose up from the floor in front of him. Logan gasped, taking startled steps backwards. We all watched in horror as the person fully rose from the floor, their eyes glowing bright green and their smile wide. He raised his head, bringing his mace to his shoulder.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't all the Brighty Lighty Sides, on their way to save Anxiety." Remus purred, laughing crazily. "Unfortunately for you, that isn't going to happen."

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