What's Next?

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No Strings Attached!

There you have it! Oh man, I'll be honest, I really enjoyed writing for this one. I enjoyed your guys' comments and actual plans to save Virgil. You guys are amazing.

So, as this comes to a close, the question as old as time remains: What's Next?

I've decided to take a detour from all my books about Virgil (but that's not the end of them, I swear lol)

This time, I'm doing a Logince book called: "From What I've Heard"

Logan is a local college student. After too many late nights to count, his friends decide to take him to a play to wind down. During the show, he can't take his eyes off the main character. His voice was of that of an angel. Only problem is, his face is covered throughout the performance. After his search get put to a halt, what will it take Logan to realize, his angel is right in front of him?

So yeah! I hope you'll join me along this ride! The first chapter will be released on March 23rd as next week is my spring break, and I want to take that time to do some much needed self care!

I want to take a second to thank you all for your support! Literally, nothing on this account would go anywhere without you guys and I can't stress enough what all your comments and support means to me so, thank you.

So yeah, be on the look out for, "From What I've Heard" also, if you haven't seen yet, I have "A Few Days More" that I upload on about 2-3 times a week so check that out too!

Love you all.

Until then,

-Elliott Green

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