Part Fifteen - Deceit

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I dragged Virgil's limp body through the house. I couldn't believe he hit me. I thought he knew better than to defy me. I thought a guilt trip would be enough of a warning, but no. I thought the magic bracelets would be enough of a warning, but no. Some people just never learn their place. But I think he'll start to understand now.

Once in the living room, I picked him up, watching his resting face roll over my arm and loosely dangle. If I wasn't so angry with him, I might've thought it was cute. I dropped him onto the couch, turning my attention to Remus as bounded down the stairs. He had a large syringe in his hand filled with moving, black liquid. A smile slithered on my face from ear to ear. Oh boy, this'll be fun.

"Will it work as well as last time?" I asked Remus as he came closer.

"It should. But Virgil might react differently than the other guy." He informed it.

"Do it." I commanded. Remus held the syringe a fair distance from himself before moving closer to Virgil to inject him. Just by the fact that Remus was afraid of the content inside that syringe made me smile. If Remus is afraid of it, than it'll hurt; really bad.

He stuck it in Virgil's arm, slowly pushing the liquid inside until it was empty. Remus took a step back, setting the needle on the coffee table. I could see it start to take effect, turning all of Virgil's veins black. I could see the veins moving around in his arms, helping the virus travel throughout his body.

"Is it working?" I asked, shooting a glance to the crazed prince.

"It's only just begun." As the words left his mouth, Virgil's eyes shot open and he began to scream. He was writhing around on the couch, pounding his fists against the back of the couch while kicking the head of it.

His screaming never stopped. Although it got quieter and quieter as he started losing his voice. Tears were puddling in his eyes before falling like heavy raindrops down his face. His head turned to me, his lip quivering and his body continuing to twitch. "W-What's ha-happening to m-m-me?" He cried, another wave of pain flooding through him.

"This is the only way you'll learn, Virgil. How else am I suppose to command you, when you don't obey!" His screams reduced to whimpers, his voice turning to frail to make much more noise. "Consider this a new punishment, Virgil. Every time you don't obey, Remus will inject you again. And he'll do again if he has to. And again. And again. AND AGAIN!" I yelled out.

My magic gathered in my hands, giving me the power over Virgil's body once more. "But just having the injection would be too kind." I made him move his arm, making him weakly scream. "It feels worse when you move doesn't it?" I asked, watching in twisted joy as his eyes begged me to stop.

I moved his leg, making him sit up right on the couch. I let go of him, putting my hand under his chin so our eyes met. "Don't make the same mistakes twice, Virgil. And this won't ever happen again." I pushed his face away, watching him flop back over on the couch. Laughing, I turned to Remus.

Remus' face read something odd. Like he wasn't fully in the room. Like his mind was floating elsewhere. "What are you doing?" I asked him, pushing on his shoulder. He shook his head, blinking a few times. His eyes locked his mine.

"Roman is planning on coming over here with the others!" He announced.

"What? Why? For him?!" I shouted, pointing at the dazed lump on the couch.

"I don't know, I guess? I can hear Roman's thoughts; it's all he's thinking about." Remus told me, trying and failing to calm me down. A thought struck me. Like a lightening bolt lighting up my brain, triggering a thought. I stormed into the control panel's room. As soon as I entered, it lit up. Clear as day, I could see Virgil's messages opened to Patton. There was a message from Virgil, simply reading,


Steam must've been puffing out of my ears, as even Remus didn't dare look me in the eyes. I walked back out to Virgil. He gave me a weak stare, seeming to not care what was to happen anymore. "Stop the Light Sides. Any means necessary!" I told Remus. He nodded, summoning his mace and sinking out.

I gave Virgil my attention once again. He shook in fear but didn't have the strength to move. "You thought you could get away with what you did? Really? You thought you could send out a pitiful SOS to people you don't even know, and they'd help you! You're more pathetic than I thought." I groaned.

"D-D-Don't hu-hurt them!" Virgil pleaded, shutting his eyes tightly with more pain.

"I do whatever the fuck I please." I sternly told him. He flinched at my voice, making me smile. At least he's learning his lesson. I started getting nervous about Remus' chances of winning over in the Light Side's domain. It'll be three against one, and while Remus knows how to fight and fight well, I'm taking any chances.

I smirked to myself as a plan started to form in my head. If their coming here for Virgil, then he's the bait. If they think they're just going to walk out of here with Virgil and no fight, their more stupid than I thought.

I walked into the kitchen, searching for something we haven't had to use in a long time. However, in the lower cabinets sat a tub labeled, Chloroform. Joy filled my bones, grabbing it and opening it. There was just enough. I turned my head away, dipping my gloved hand inside it.

Once I was sure that it was fully covered, I put the tub back. Returning to Virgil, he whimpered upon seeing me. I put my soaked hand over his mouth just above his nose. He gave off a muffled scream before his eyes began to droop closed. "Sweet dreams, Virgil." I laughed, watching him drift into unconsciousness.

After I was sure he was out, I removed my glove. I only became reminded as to why I wear gloves. My scales ran up my hands, completely covering my fingers in sharp scales. I scowled at it, ripping my old glove in half and throwing it in the corner. Running upstairs to grab a new glove, I laughed to myself. Those Light Sides aren't going to know what hit them.

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