Part Nine - Patton

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Are you Anxiety? I typed into the panel. I knew it was a stretch to be assuming things about someone I know practically nothing about. But I just wanted to know. I needed to know. If he is Anxiety, how did Thomas develop him? Thomas has been fine, hasn't he? I sighed, continuing waiting for a response.

A minute went by. That minute became two. Then three. Soon, I realized I had been waiting in front of the screen for over five minutes. I started to get worried. What's going on over there? He was so active and now...nothing. I took a breath, coming to the conclusion that he might not want to talk to me anymore. It's his right. I shouldn't have asked who he was.

I walked out of the control room, seeing Roman on the couch, patching up some cuts and bruises on his arms and legs. I rushed over to him, taking a seat next to him. "What happened, kiddo?" I questioned, making him look up in surprise.

"Oh, just got back from the imagination. A dragon witch got loose again. I think Remus is just trying to mess with me. It's the third time this week she's gotten loose." He explained.

"How could Remus free her?"

"Well, the imagination connects both the Light and Dark Mind Palaces." He told me. I froze. How come I didn't know that? I know he talks about meeting Remus in the imagination some times, but I didn't realize they were so close. "I should rest. I'll see you tomorrow, Patton." Roman exited, giving me a small wave.

I waved back, a small smile on my face. I rubbed my arm, feeling a wave of loneliness drown me as he left. I know Roman and Logan are busy a lot, leaving them with little time to hang out with me or each other. Things never were like this. When Thomas was a boy, he hung out all the time. We learned we were solving Thomas' issues better as a team than apart.

I wish things could be how they were. But as Thomas has grown up, we've grown apart. It makes me sad. We need each other. It's like the others have forgotten that. I wiped the small tear from my eye.

I proceeded back upstairs, planning on heading into my room. That was until I noticed something. The backdoor to the imagination was calling me. Almost screaming at me to enter it. Maybe it's because I know the Dark and Light Sides are connected. Somewhere both sides can meet and have everything be okay.

I looked back at my light blue door. Was I really considering this? I looked to Logan and Roman's door. They were lifeless, no sign of either of them coming out and catching me. I made up my mind. I had to do this.

I walked over to the backdoor, tightening my cardigan around me. I placed my hand on the door knob, a chill wracking my body. No going back. I opened the door, coming face to face with a black abyss. The imagination was empty, meaning no one else was here.

I stepped inside, quietly shutting the door. The imagination immediately responded to me. The walls began to glow a bright blue, the ceiling becoming a sunshiney day. The floor turned into a grassy field, showing Roman's kingdom in the distance. I smiled, the sun warming me. I felt like I could hang out in here for hours, but I knew I had a task at hand.

I had to meet 'Anxiety.'

As I started, I began worrying what Logan would say. He already warned me about this. He hates repeating himself. Would he hate me after this? I know I can pester him sometimes. But it's out of love.

I kept my pace towards the Dark Sides' area. Growing more and more excited as I came closer. I wonder what he looks like. What he sounds like. What he's like. I just wanted to meet him.

I kept walking along, little animals walking beside me. It was like a dream. I supposed it was just because I was in the imagination. I was controlling the environment. Why have I never come in here before?

"PATTON STOP!" I suddenly heard. I turned around, seeing Roman and Logan waving their arms at me, begging me to come back. My eyebrow popped up in confusion. What's going on?

Suddenly, the imagination grew dark. My animal friends faded away and the sun died down. There was a pink mist that fell from the sky. I watched it flake down on my clothes. I picked up a piece of it, taking a closer look. It was just a small cotton like piece of pink in my fingers.

Then I felt it. My mind slowed down as I started to get sleepy. I dropped the pink piece, realizing the mind was turning off the imagination for the night. Thomas was falling asleep. I was in the way of that.

I kept swaying and stumbling, trying to hold myself up. My eyes were drooping, calming my brain. I fell to the floor, seeing Roman and Logan shut the door to avoid falling asleep like me. I grew super careless, the only thing on my mind being sleep. I shut my eyes, giving into the deep sleep tugging at me.

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