Part Six - Roman

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I walked down the stairs, still groggy from waking up. I was wearing my usual prince attire and I had pushed my hair out of my face. I had pearly white socks slipped cozily on my feet, softening my footsteps as I reached the first floor. In the kitchen, was Patton and Logan. They both still seemed half awake.

Logan wasn't looking at Patton. Patton wasn't looking at Logan. That was rather odd to me. Patton would never snub one of his 'kiddos' as he calls us. Did Logan and him get in a fight or something?

Regardless, I made my way into the kitchen. "Morning, guys." I greeted, stretching my arms and taking a seat next to the logical side.

"Greetings." Logan mumbled into his coffee cup.

"Hi." Patton shyly squeaked, pouring eggs onto a pan. I could almost see the tension in the air, it was so thick. I could see a puzzle behind Logan's framed eyes. And in Patton's, he seemed remorseful. As if he did something wrong. The quiet room was eating at me. I hate not knowing what's going on.

"Alright!" I declared suddenly, making both boys jump. "What is it with you two? You aren't talking to each other. You aren't even looking at each other! What's got you guys in a twist?" Logan and Patton swapped glances. Logan looked hopeful that Patton would explain, but his eyes shifted back down to his omelettes.

"Patton was up at a rather early hour this morning and has refused to tell me why. I doubt he woke up early just to make me coffee." Logan finally rambled.

"Who says I'm not allowed to do something nice for you, Logan?" Patton whipped back. He piled the eggs on a plate and shoved it in our direction. Neither of us went for one.

"It's obviously bothering you, Patton or else we wouldn't be having this conversation!" Logan retorted.

"Nothing's bothering me! You're just taking this out of line!" Patton called back. I would've believed him, but his eyes shifted downward, something Patton does when he's nervous.

"Patton, make eye contact with me." I coldly stated. He shook his head, biting his lip now. "Patt, I know you're nervous, but just saying it will get it off your chest!"

"I-I'm not nervous." He stuttered. He was giving me no other choice. I grabbed his chin, yanking his head up. His eyes bounced directly into mine. When I saw his eye color shift from brown to red, I knew I had him.

"Secrets, secrets are no fun. Tell me no, or else we're done." I chanted.

"I made contact with a side through the control panel." Patton replied in a monotone voice. I broke my spell with him, breaking eye contact. He blinked a few times, obviously disoriented. Logan sprang up from his chair.

"You did what?!" Logan yelled.

"I'm sorry. B-But he made contact first!" Patton tried to defend himself.

"Who was it?" I asked, all heads turning to me.

"I..I don't know. They wouldn't tell me." Patton said sorrowfully. "But you know what? This sides' aura was different. Much different than Deceit or Remus'. Therefore, Logan was wrong about a new side not forming!" He pointed out. Logan got overcome by a flustered blush.

"Well, that's no reason for you to engage with it!" Logan shot back.

"I understand that. But he seemed lost and afraid."

"I need to see this for myself." Logan finally declared. He pushed past me and stomped into the control room. There on the Patton's screen was a message box from a side with a purple hue. "You told him your name!"

Patton just nodded, trying to hold back tears from being yelled at. Even I'll admit, Logan is scary when he's angry. I remember when I went off into the imagination alone for the first time. Still uncertain of how to control my domain in the imagination without Remus, I created things I didn't mean to. I came back home all bloody and bruised. Logan wouldn't let me hear the end of it.

"I'll fix this!" Logan mumbled. He went over to his controls and started punching things in. Patton and I helplessly watched as Logan took control over Patton's panel.

"What are you doing?" I questioned. "Don't you know how dangerous it is to do that?"

"Well, would you rather this or a rouge dark side in our house, ruining Thomas' life!" He shot back at me. After that, Logan began typing into Patton and the stranger's chat box.

This is Logic. Please refrain from speaking to us again. We agreed to never speak to each other. The dark sides are only setbacks to Thomas and should remain quiet. If you try to contact us again, we will have no choice but to delete you ourselves.

With that, he sent it off into the mind. "That settles things." Logan said, wiping off his hands. He turned to Patton, a stern and mean look plastered onto his face. "Don't try to connect with him again. I want to maintain my trust with you, Patton. Please don't do this again."

"Ok." Patton mumbled, fidgeting with his cardigan sleeves. Logan nodded, walking past us to retreat back upstairs to his room. Patton was on the verge of tears. I opened my arms to him but he just ran out of the room.

I sighed. Logan does know how to carry things too far. Although I couldn't help feel guilty too. I mean, I forced Patton to say it. I ran my hand through my hair, deciding to leave the room too. I walked past the kitchen, seeing Patton's omelettes grow cold. Even though I was hungry, I ignored them and went back to my room. I'd feel bad eating them without the rest of my friends with me.

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