Chapter Nine

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In Mrs. Edmonds class Ezra sat in front of me. And just stared at me.
"So you, my brother said you liked me." He said with a little smile.
"I heard you take all his friends away just because of your looks." I said glaring at him.
"Well I was blessed to be hot and sexy. my brother was blessed to be adorable." He smiled once talking about his brother.

Maybe they are really close.
"That's great. He's nice yet annoying, but he's nice. Nicer than anyone I've ever met."
"And what about me?" He asked pointing to himself.
"I don't know just coming in here and scaring the fuck out of me by sitting in front of me. That is kind of creepy." I said leaning back in my chair.
"Your brother invited me to hang out with him today. I don't get out much, I don't have friends so he would be nice to just help me get out my house for a bit you know." I said.
"Your parents don't let you leave or anything?"
" it's just me and my dad. And if I could tell you about it trust me you're better off reading it from a book." I told him and took out my laptop and wrote a little message on it.
'My life isn't healthy.'
"Why is that?" He asked.
"Again if my life was in a book you'd see all of it." I said to him.

The bell rang and I left to me next class, this science class is probably the worst.


As i was leaving school I checked my phone to make sure my dad didn't text me and made sure to check the cars location. Where the fuck did he go. He's like in the middle of nowhere. The map finally loaded in and it showed he was at some hotel far the hell away from here. Well now I have more time to spend with Emmanuel today.
Speaking of the kid I looked up from my phone and saw him walking towards me.
"Are you ready for today?" He said smiling doing a little happy dance in the process.
"I guess so I probably have 2 hours or a little more to hang out with you." I said smiling back at him placing my phone in my back pocket.
"Well come on then my brother doesn't have all day." He said jumping up and spinning around to the student parking lot. We walked closer and I could see his brother heading to his vehicle with some girl.
"Holy sheets my brother finally found that girl he's been fucking talking about." He said then stared at me wide eyed.
Kid is scary but he's slowly becoming my friends so I can't really judge here.
"He likes her?" I asked.
"Yeah for some reason. She doesn't look like his type though." He said shaking his head. And then yelled at his brother. "Unlock the door you old man!" Hitting his brother in the process.
"Yo child chill the fuck out I got to get the keys." Ezra said.
"Instead of talking to... excuse me what's your name?" He asked the girl.
I turned around and saw the quiet girl from my writing class.
"Instead of talking to 'Ashley' you could've been taking out your keys. It is cold out here! Sorry Ashley but I'm just cold." He said.
" there get in." Ezra said and we all got in.

"Okay Miranda this is what we are gonna do....."
"Its Mirana." I corrected him again.
"Oops sorry. But this is the plan we sneak you into my room and we are gonna play some games, eat some snacks, and watch a YouTube video." He said nodding his head and smiled.

Oh dear what did I get myself into.

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