Chapter Forty-Two

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Seb and I were sitting in the waiting room of the hospital waiting for Samantha.
The only thing on my mind was how the fuck did Ezra get in to Sebastien's house.

"How did he get into your house, that's what I don't get."
"Baby, I'm just as confused as you are."
I had Sebastien's jacket over me to keep my warm. This hospital was really cold at night. I was cuddled up into Seb's side to try to keep myself warm with his warmth.
"Sam you're here."
"Sebastien where is my son?"
"They had to give him stitches and stabilize him." Seb said and I saw Veronica behind Samantha.
"Eww what are you doing here?" She said to me.
"Vero, please not now. You should be more worried about Ezra not Mirana being here."

She sighed and went to the other side of the room.
"What was my kid even doing at your house, Sebastien?" Sam yelled.
"I would like to know the same thing, because honestly I have no clue." Seb sounded a little annoyed.
"You would like to know." She said nodding her head and crossed her arms. "He was at your house Sebastien! I want to know what he was doing there."
"Sam me and you both! I don't know how he got into my house. He doesn't even have my key."
"Sebastien! I'm not going to ask you again." She said sternly
"Samantha we were both asleep and had no clue he was there in the first place." I said standing up for Sebastien. I couldn't stand to see him getting yelled at.
"Oh, yeah help him cover up why don't you."

I gave her a look of shock. "You are really going to talk to me that way?"
"Yes I am. He's my baby and could've died."
"Your bother could've died too." I snapped back. "You are just lucky the police wanted to check that room. It was locked from the inside." I said and got up walking away.
That was not a good thing for me to do. I shouldn't have said that to her. I walked to the elevator and got in. I just wanted to be alone.

Sebastien's POV

"Sam are you fucking serious?"
"I don't know what he was doing at my house."
"Are you going to go check up on your little girlfriend."
"Sam she'll be back."
"Are you positive?"
"Why wouldn't she?"
"She walked out on my boys." I just shook my head at her.
"I can't believe you, Sam." I said and just sat there as I watched Sam walk away. Someone came into my view and I looked up.
"Hey Baby."
"Do you have money on you?"
"Yeah." I said and grabbed my wallet giving her two dollars. She Just stood there looking at me and I gave her two more.
"Thank you." She said walking away.
"She's taking your money now?"
"Sam, please stop." I sighed.
"I'm just saying." I just ignored her and then the doctor came up to me.
"Hello. He's stable now in the recovery room."
"Thanks can we see him?"
"Yes, you can if you want to follow me."
"I just have a question." Sam cut in.
"You are?"
"She's the mother." I said.
"What did you guys have to do to him?"

They had their conversation and Mirana came back to me and handed me a water.
"Oh great you are here." The doctor said to Mirana. "If you can follow me he wants to talk to you."
"Me?" Mirana said and I got angry. "Why me?"
"He was asking for you when he woke up. You are Mirana, right?"
"Follow me. I'll come get you guys." The doctor said and I just watched as my Baby walked away from me.
"Why does he want to see her and not her?" I asked Sam pointing to the girl on the other side of the room smiling at her phone.
"I have no clue Sebastien." She said rubbing my back I shrugged her off and sat back down.
I could feel myself getting very angry and impatient.
"Sebastien I'm sure she's fine."
"I know she's fine I just hate that she's alone in there with him."
"What happened at your house?"
"Don't try to sound like you care right now. I know you don't."

Mirana's POV

I sat down in the chair next to Ezra's bed. I really don't want to be here right now.
"Hey." Ezra said.
"What were you doing at Sebastien's house?"
"No hey back?"
"No, I told you I don't want to talk to you."
"Well I do."
"Okay, what do you want?"
"Are you and my uncle a thing or something?"
"Excuse me?"
"Just answer the question."
"We aren't."
"Okay, I just want to say I'm sorry about what I did to you at school."
"Now you are sorry?"
"I had time to think about it."

I really didn't care if he was sorry or not.
"Why were you at Sebastien's."
"Honestly I don't know. When I snuck in the place was trashed at there was some guy walking around in there. I knew it wasn't Sebastien."
"Did you see who it was?"
"Yeah, I did. It was that same guy who tried to take you from school that one day."
"How did you end up in that room?"
"He heard me go in there or he either saw me, because he came to me minutes later and fucking stabbed me." My eyes widened. "It was pretty scary for me."
"Why didn't you yell?"
"I wasn't supposed to be there remember. I was just there on the floor. I have no idea if he left or not."
"Why was the door locked from your side?"
"Mirana I don't know."
"I have to go." I told him.
"Wait, I'm not done talking to you."
"What more do we need to talk about? There is nothing more I want to talk about with you." I said getting up from the chair.
"Mirana, I like you still and I know you like me."
"I like you?" I laughed. "You're a joke."
"I mean it, I do."
"Ezra I don't like you. The way you treated me showed me what a horrible person you are."
"Please I want to make it up to you."
"No." I said and walked out. I walked all the way to the waiting room and went to Sebastien.
"Can we go home."
"Yeah Baby."
"You wanna go home when Ezra is in there recovering?" Vero said.
"Yes Vero I do. Keep Ezra away from me. I fucking hate him." I said and grabbed Sebastien's hand and walked out with him.
"Baby, is everything okay?"
"No it's not. I just wanted be far away from here as possible." I told him. "And can we go to the police station?"
"Right now?"
I looked at him and nodded. "Okay." He said as we got into his car.

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