Chapter Thirty-Three

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I made it to my house. Yes the one I was abused in. I unlocked the door and walked in. It was so cold. I tried to turn on the light but nothing turned on. I tried all the other lights.... They were all off too. I walked towards the kitchen and all the food that was in the fridge was bad. I didn't even want to clean that out. I walked up to my room all my stuff was there my bed had all the pile of clothes I left there and my table had all my little drawings. I pushed off the clothes and layer on my bed. Can I just stay here forever and die in the cold. I started to drift off to sleep then my phone rang. I took it out of my pocket  and saw Ezra's name. I decided to just ignore it when it stopped ringing there was a pause and it started ringing again. Ezra's name popped up again. I declined it. I don't care that he's looking for me. I don't care if Anuel went up to him and told him anything. I was humiliated in school by Ezra and that girl. I just wanted to sleep and be left alone. Why was he calling me why was it not Anuel or Evelyn. I don't really care I'm sleepy and I'm going to bed.


-Anuel's POV

"Bro I don't know she just left she didn't tell us where she was going." I looked at Evelyn for clarification with my eyes and she shook her head.
"Well she just walked off."
"Wait how did you see her? Everyone was in the school." Evelyn asked with confusion all over her face.
Ezra sighed, "I was out arguing with Veronica and I saw Mirana walking away from the school.  I tried to call out for her but nothing."
"Guys she might have just gone home. You did just make her feel bad in front of everyone, Ezra."
"Well then we go home and check."

"Hey burchrum?"
"Yes Master Manuel."
"Have you or anyone seen Mirana at the manor?"
"No master not at all."
"She's not up in her room?" I asked.
"No she is not. No one has seen her Master."
"Thank you burchrum I'll see you later:" I hung up the phone and called Mirana.
I was using Ezra's phone since mine was dead.
I didn't get and answer.
"She's not answering."
"Try again dumbass."
I tried it again and it just went straight to voicemail.
"She didn't answer."
"Keep trying Manuel!" Ezra yelled at me.
"You know she's probably not gonna answer cuz you are calling her."
"Well then use your girlfriends !"
I grabbed Evelyn's phone and dialed her number. It kept ringing and then her voicemail came on.
I kept trying but nothing. She never picked up.
I called up my uncle. He was the only other person I could think of.
"Hey Sébastien I need a favor."
"Yeah, okay. What's up?"
"Do you have Mirana's number?"
"Um no."
"Im going to give it to you, can you try calling her to find out where she is because we can't find her anywhere."
" yeah I got you I'll let you know if she does answer or anything like that."
"Alright thanks."
"You really called Sébastien to get in on this."
"Bro you got any better options here! I want my best friend back okay. I want her to be safe but you fucked that up at school." I pouted.
"She's not even all that." Vero said.
"Oh really now! You don't fucking know anything about her! Not one single fucking detail."
"Okay Manuel that's enough."
"Yeah okay that's enough I'm fucking good." I said and sat back in my seat and put my hand on my baby's leg.


-Mirana's POV

I woke up to one more fucking call.

"Hey Mirana it's me Sébastien, umm Manuel wanted to know where you are."
"Oh. Yeah I came to my house. I didn't want to be around anyone." I said kinda shivering.
"Why is that. He sounded kinda worried. "
"Well Ezra kissed me in the hall t-today at school and," I kept shivering and couldn't get out a single word right. I pulled my blanket over me more. " and everyone was looking and I didn't like it. I got really embarrassed and he has a girlfriend and I ran to my house to hide I don't want to go back to the manor and see him and see her there." I cried. Sobbing and shivering.
"Oh Mirana I'm so sorry. Are you cold? Is your heater not on?"
"Yes and no I think my power turned off from my dad being locked up."
"Where are you? I'll go get you. I won't tell anyone you'll be with me."
"I could text you the address."

I texted him the address.
"Okay I'm on my way."
He hung up and I got up and got some clothes just to wear at his place. I put them on my table and laid back down in my bed. Until he texted me. I started to slowly fall asleep. Then I heard a knock on the door in this quiet house. There was a second knock but I wanted to be sure it was Sébastien, so I texted him.

'Are you here knocking?'
'No still 20mins away.'

Then who was knocking on my door?
I silenced my phone just in case it's Anuel and Ezra. This house is so echoey any little sound and I think they will hear it.
My phone lit up and I answered it.
"Hello." I whispered.
"Hey it's Sébastien. Ezra's truck is parked outside your house I just casually drove by I don't know when they're leaving. I told Manuel that you didn't answer me."
"Okay, umm I hope they leave soon."
"I do too. I want you warm instead of being there cold."
I smiled and I could just feel myself blushing.
"Okay I'm going around again I'll text you."
"Okay bye. " I said and hung up.
Please tell me they are gone I'm so cold. My nose is stuffy not even putting my nose under my blanket was helping.
Why did I come to this house? I was away for so long I've been wanting nothing more than to get out and away from here that now I'm back in my abusive house hold. I can't get hurt here because my dad is no longer here.

'They're gone now I'm right out front.'

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