Commander Sato sent him a look before continuing, "It appears as though Bravo IV, or as we have named it 'Chopper Base', is habitable enough for us. However once we get there, we will be exposed."
Sato pressed a button on the command console and three generator-like machines popped up. "These are advanced maskers. They will mask our presence anywhere we place them on the planet itself. We have found a dealer from Corellia who is willing to deal them out to us.
"We will need at least five but if you can get him to supply more, the help would be greatly appreciated." Sato continued, killing the image and looking to Hera knowing full well that she was the one in charge of the crew.
The Twi'leck glanced around at the rag tag team of rebels, taking into consideration everything that had happened. "The Ghost has a few more repairs to make but we should be ready in seventeen hundred sharp,"
"That's all we need Commander Hera," Sato bowed his head. "You'll find the dealer on Tatooine. Thank you."
"Of course," Hera nodded. "Zeb and Sabine, you and Chopper get to work on the repairs. I'll be right behind."
"On it Hera," Zeb nodded and him and the Mandalorian turned and headed towards the Ghost.
"We won't let the fleet down, Commander," Hera gave a final nod to Sato who in reply responded with, "I know you won't Hera,"
Hera headed off, head tails swinging a bit from her momentum. She headed towards the tunnel that connected the Ghost to the rebellion's command ship.
Ezra watched them go, waiting for his own orders from Kanan or Ahsoka. He waited for a little longer before he got impatient and turned to look at his master. Kanan was carefully examining the maskers before he turned to Ahsoka.
"You have doubts," Kanan raised his eyebrow. Ezra shifted, wondering what Kanan meant.
Ahsoka removed her hands from her lips and to her hips. "Tatooine has always made me uncomfortable. My master was from there and...well you'll recognize it as soon as we get close,"
"Recognize what?" Ezra asked, jumping on the opportunity.
"The wrongness," Ahsoka explained. "It's like the Force is trying to push you away every time you get close." Ezra frowned.
"Why?" he asked.
Ahsoka shrugged. "I never bothered to find out."
"So basically be careful," Kanan simplified.
"More careful than you usually are," Ahsoka threw him a knowing look and Kanan chuckled.
"Relax Ahsoka, it'll be fine," Kanan assured her, stepping around and heading towards the Ghost as well.
"And don't worry, I've got his back," Ezra chimed in cheekily.
"Now that's what I'm worried about," Commander Sato popped in and Ezra gave a small protest before Ahsoka laughed and gave Ezra a small push towards Kanan's direction.
"Just stay safe," she told him and with those parting words, Ezra boarded the Ghost.