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"Don't even!" Leia snapped. "He deserved it! He deserved every word!" 

Luke went silent, feeling a mix of bad and angry himself. It's not like he was the one to blow up at his adoptive father. Then again, he wasn't in Leia's situation and while he could feel most of his sister's (and Ezra's) feelings, it was still hard to be know exactly what Leia was feeling and how she would react. 

"I'm sorry," Leia said quietly after a moment. "I shouldn't have yelled at you like that. I understand that my actions were childish and immature. But..." she sighed and uncurled herself a little. "It's still...just...hurts." 

Luke quietly leaned towards her. "I know." She leaned into him as well and they sat there for a moment, just relaxing with each other. 

Screams suddenly filled Luke's head and he ripped away while Leia did the same. They both yelped and then rubbed their heads. 

"What was that?" they said in unison and then blinked. 

"Ha, twin power," Leia goofed and Luke laughed a little but was still confused. 

"What was that?" he wondered, pondering. 

"I don't know but it hurt," Leia rubbed her forehead and then Ezra came sprinting towards them. 

"Okay," Ezra heaved. "Update - The Empire has a weapon - a battle station - that can destroy planets. It's on it's way here and just destroyed Alderaan -" 

"What!?" Leia jumped to her feet, eyes wide. "Alderaan - Alderaan is gone?" 

Ezra stopped and then slowly nodded. "Leia...I'm so sorry." 

She looked like she was about to cry but did so so silently that Luke almost missed it. He felt her sadness and anger though so he stood up as well and hugged her. Luke knew what it was like to lose his home, to lose a part of himself. He and Leia may have very different backgrounds and different reactions to problems in their lives but their stories were similar. 

Ezra hugged Leia as well and they all hugged each other in a far more comfortable position that probably should be comfortable. 

"Are we in any urgency?" Leia asked, voice slightly muffled. "Because I kind of just want to stay here for a moment," 

"Honestly...I don't think so?" Ezra didn't sound 100 percent sure but neither of them were letting go. "Since we found out, I think the rebels in command are formulating a plan. My only question is what are we going to do? It's not like the Rebellion is going to think much of us and your dad kind of made it seem like he wasn't going to fight at all -" 

"I only said that to them because I didn't want them to use me," 

The trio pulled away to see Anakin, Obi-Wan, Padmé, Ahsoka, and Rex come into the balcony overlooking some of the forest that they were on. Anakin looked grim, Obi-Wan looked mostly impassive, and Padmé looked worried. She was looking between Anakin and the twins, like she didn't want them to do anything.

Rex and Ahsoka looked like they were formulating their own plans. Most likely they had been in on some of the information being passed around by the Rebellion leaders and were trying to come up with their own plans. 

"Father, what do you mean?" Luke frowned. 

"I -" Anakin stopped for a moment. He sighed. "A few years ago, just before Ezra had his...moment...I had gone searching for answers in the Temple." Luke grimaced at the memory of Ezra attacking something - someone - that no one else could see. 

"What did you find?" Ahsoka asked, curious. Luke and Leia leaned forward as well. 

Anakin's face contorted slightly. "Answers." He said simply. "I found out about the Force bond - the dangers of it - and I found out some simple stuff of the future. Possible, futures," he added uncertainly. 

Ezra frowned. "What do you mean?" 

"There's different futures - possibilities," Anakin explained. "If I take one path, certain paths open for you. I asked and so far it seems as though I've chosen the right path for all of us," he paused for a second. "Although, they told me that Ezra has more paths to chose from -" 

"Why me?" Ezra asked, exasperated. 

"It might have something to do with the fact that you're a descendant of the first Jedi," Anakin offered and Ezra gaped, quickly switching emotions. 

"I'm sorry what?" 

A new voice and Luke turned to see a man with brown hair and green eyes, staring at Anakin. 

"Oh hey Kanan!" Ezra waved. "Have you heard? Alderaan's destroyed."

"I know," the man - Kanan - replied dryly and then hesitated. "I...I felt it," 

"A Jedi?" Obi-Wan glanced over, intrigued. 

"Kanan Jarrus," Rex introduced. "Part of the Ghost crew," 

Kanan gave a short wave. 

"I don't remember any Kanan at the Temple," Anakin looked at Obi-Wan confused and Obi-Wan shook his head, "Nor I," 

"That's because it's a fake name," Kanan explained. "After Order 66, I changed my name so I wouldn't be found. My real name is Caleb Dume," 

"Ah," Obi-Wan stood back, recognizing now. "Master Billaba's padawan," Kanan looked a little surprised but nodded. 

"Kanan is a fake name?" Ezra pretended to look aghast. "Kanan! Oh maker - my whole life is a lie!" Ezra dramatically pretended to fall over and Leia and Luke burst into a fit of giggles while Kanan rolled his eyes. 

"Ezra," he chided and Ezra just winked from the floor. 

"Anyways," Padmé rolled her eyes as well while Ahsoka and Anakin chuckled. "Rex, do you happen to know what the Rebellion's plan is?" 

"About the fact that the Death Star is on it's way here?" Rex scratched his chin. "Honestly, so far nothing. The leaders are being tight about who gets to know what and from what I know, they're scared. They don't know what to do." 

"It's kind of obvious," Anakin muttered. "Someone on an x-wing goes into the exhaust port." 

"But that's still dangerous Anakin," Rex said slowly. "It would require an experienced fighter -" 

"- Or someone force sensitive," Ezra suggested. When Luke looked over at him, he scrunched up his face. 

"You have a thinking face on," Luke noted, peering at Ezra and speaking through the Force. "What's up?

Ezra waved him off but kept thinking. Luke moved on to look over at Rex who was still explaining to Anakin why it would be a hard mission to do despite the easy weakness. 

"Father?" Luke asked suddenly. "Did you see or get anything else from the Temple?" 

Anakin suddenly looked ashen and he cleared his throat. "Ah, well, um, I kill Palpatine." 

Padmé choked and Ahsoka and Rex stood straighter while Obi-Wan and Kanan blinked. Leia and Luke gaped while Ezra looked indifferent. 

"Ah, well," Leia twisted her face. "That's news." 

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