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Ezra smiled to himself as Ahsoka looked slightly surprised but hugged him back. He remembered the conversations with Ahsoka about Anakin and found that in that moment he was happy and relieved that he had followed Luke to go find and bring back Anakin. 

Ezra turned a little to see Rex coming in as well. Anakin had lit up upon seeing Rex too and as Ahsoka went in for a hug with Obi-Wan, Anakin and Rex reunited. Ezra glanced around and gently grabbed Luke and Leia's hand, figuring they should leave and let the four of them have their moment. 

Luke looked a little confused and Leia nodded knowingly as they left the room. Han and Chewie were still near the entrance where the other Rebel officials were. It looked like Sato had finally showed up but Ezra was mostly focused on his family. 

"So what is happening?" Han asked, hugging Leia back and Ezra briefly remembered that the two were dating now. 

Luke launched into an explanation as Ezra dashed down the steps and ran towards Kanan, Hera, Zeb, Chopper, and Sabine. Ezra was a few feet from Kanan just as his old master turned. Kanan's eyes widened and he started to talk when Ezra threw his arms around Kanan into a hug and sent the older man stumbling. 

"Whoa - Ezra!" Kanan laughed and hugged Ezra back. 

"Hey Kanan," Ezra's voice was a little muffled. "I missed you." 

"I missed you too," Kanan pulled away and squinted at Ezra's hair. "Do you have a pony tail?" 

Ezra grinned and turned a little to show off. "Yeah. What do you think?" 

"It makes you look older for sure," Hera interrupted and Ezra grinned wider and hugged her too. 

"Heyya kid," Zeb grinned and Ezra mock-saluted back. 

"Zeb." Ezra stepped back for a second and then sighed. "I'm so happy you all are here. Really." 

"We are too," Kanan looked and felt concerned suddenly. "We...wanted to ask you, Ezra... When we saw you with -" 

Ezra's eyes widened and he quickly stumbled out. "Wait - oh wait, no, no that wasn't - I was just - no! I wasn't with the Empire, promise! Vader - Darth Vader - he, I guess I should've..." Ezra sighed loudly. "That was a mess - Listen, I was with Darth Vader because he's Luke's father, Anakin Skywalker. I got nervous when you guys showed up because I wasn't sure what was going to happen plus Luke was adamant on staying with his father and well..." Ezra scratched his head. "Luke's sorta like my family. Before you guys were. Not that you aren't anymore but -" 

"It's okay," Kanan stepped froward and Ezra let out a small sigh. "It's okay, we just - we figured. But we wanted to make sure. We were nervous that's all," 

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