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Before - Leia lived a lie. She had a father and a mother who died when she was young. She had a father who took care of her and taught her how to be a politician. She had a castle that she lived in and a handmaid that taught her to be kind and took care of her like another mother. 

And After. 

After was when she started living the truth. She had a father who was a Jedi and a Sith, a man who cared so much he was willing to kill and defend and protect with such passion she recognized herself. 

She had a mother who had her looks and her sharp tongue. A mother who was kind and loving just as she was as a loving handmaid. A mother who had the same political hardiness as she did. 

After she had a brother - a twin with calm and patience and love. A brother who she could make jokes with, someone who used to be her imaginary friend who only existed in her mind. 

After she had a friend who wasn't imaginary either. Someone who cared for her and helped her and her twin. Someone who understood her and shared her sentiments. A friend who helped her and helped control her anger. 

After she found herself changed. Leia couldn't control her anger - could not control her feelings. It was hard, it was difficult, and when she reached out and tried to figure out why, she understood. 

Her father from Before taught her how to control her emotions, how to be politically friendly, and how to lie truthfully. All while being a man who lied to her face. All while being someone he wasn't. 

And while a part of Leia missed Bail, the larger part of her was so mad and so unforgiving that she feared if she tried to seek him out, she would lose control. 

And while having more mentors around to help teach how to be a Jedi, she still resented the presences of Masters Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda. Leia was always one to respect people with more knowledge then her but she was notorious for not letting that knowledge label them as all powerful and incapable of making mistakes. 

So while she willingly listened to her father and mother, brother and friend, she often refused to listen to the others. Namely Obi-Wan and Yoda. 

It had only been a few months since they had showed up and Leia was focused on learning what she could to be a Jedi. Holding a lightsaber felt natural and even though when she tried to use the Force, it didn't always go her way and she could tell that Ezra and Luke were stronger in it, she didn't let it bother her. She would be her own version of a Jedi. And who knows, maybe she would rather not be a Jedi later in life. But for now she would learn and practice. 

Since Leia wasn't strong with using the Force (she could move and lift objects and throw people a few paces away from her but when she looked at Ezra or Luke, they were lifting giant rocks and throwing people far far away from them), Leia practiced her lightsaber fighting and blaster tactics. 

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