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Ezra ducked out of the Ghost to look around. He frowned. "This certainly doesn't look like a sand planet." 

"That's because this is a hangar bay in Mos Eisley," Kanan stepped out and glanced at Hera. "And Mos Eisley is the biggest - and pretty much only - hub or town on Tatooine."

"Alright, everyone split up," Hera ordered. "Find the Corellian somewhere here on Tatooine. He didn't give us an exact location but he should be here in Mos Eisley somewhere. Zeb, Chopper stay here at the Ghost. If anyone needs anything, use your comms. And as soon as you find him, everyone get back to the ship. And be careful." Hera eyed Kanan who gave a 'what?' gesture. 

"Why is Zeb staying behind?" Ezra asked, watching Zeb head back into the ship with Chopper. 

"Tatooine has a harsh environment run by the Hutts," Sabine told him. "It barely supports humans let alone Lasats." 


"Alright, you all heard Hera," Kanan interrupted, nodding towards the Twi'leck's retreating figure. "Split up," 

"On it," Sabine nodded and headed out towards one of the hangars many exits. 

"We should split up too," Kanan told Ezra. "But don't be shy of communicating on your comm. Got it?" 

"Understood master," Ezra mock-saluted, smiling. He marched off and headed through a different exit to look around. 

Mos Eisley was a maze of different compartments, bars, homes, and other facilities, all made of the same smooth sandy-like tile. There were at least ten different life forms Ezra encountered; Tatooine didn't seem to be very diverse. 

Most people kept to themselves but some were laughing and chatting and others were whispering and some were even yelling at each other. There was a good amount of people and there were also people that were talking to little cloaked people. 

Some came up to Ezra and tried to chat with him but they were jibber jabbering in a language Ezra didn't understand. 

"S - Sorry, I don't understand -" 

A garbled noise came out behind Ezra and he stepped back as a young man shooed away the jibber jabbers. "Don't mind the Jawas, they're more interested in selling things than making small talk," the young man said, turning to face Ezra with a smile. 

Ezra started to reply, mouth open but he stopped. There was something about this boy...

"I - uh, well, thanks," Ezra finally stuttered out. "I didn't understand anything they were saying..."

"New to Tatooine?" the boy asked. 

"Yeah, just landed a few minutes ago," Ezra replied. "I'm on a mission to find a Corellian. Know anyone like that?" 

"Nope," the boy said, scratching his head. "Erm, any reason why?" 

"Well...uh, no reason, really," Ezra started to explain but quickly backpedaled. 

The boy laughed. "Yeah, that's okay. I'm used to smugglers here," 

"Oh - wait, what? I'm not -" Ezra shook his head frantically. 

"It's okay. You'll fit in here on Tatooine. I'm Luke by the way," the boy added before Ezra could keep interrupting. "Luke Skywalker. Yours?" 

Ezra stopped walking with him to stare at him. 

Now he knew why he felt the pull. Now he knew why he recognized the boy and he couldn't stop staring. 

"Uh, you okay?" Luke asked, frowning at Ezra. 

"Uh - you - you're - uh -" Ezra stuttered, trying to properly form a sentence. 

Luke gave him a concerned and creeped out look, turning away. "Listen, I gotta catch up with my uncle so I'll see you -" 

"I'm Ezra." Ezra blurted. "Ezra Bridger." 

Luke whirled, eyes wide and open-mouthed. "Ezzy?"

The Orphan, the Princess, The Farm BoyWhere stories live. Discover now