author's notes

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hi, future writer here, this story is a bit old!! my writing has improved a lot since then. please don't let this story reflect how you think my writing is today :)

that's all, thank you for understanding!

oWOow whAt's tHIS

okay so yeah kamisero texting au because why not hhhH

notes for no reason:

kinda fluffy?
what if i killed off a character? jkjk... unleSS????
pan sero?? pan sero.
slight kiribaku because mmMM
bby boys being bby boys
straight kaminari? obviously not like wtf
bakusquad is still a shithole
keyboard smashes for effect
shitty personal lives for both kami and sero
is this what the cool kids call depression?
oh yeah and angst

btw get ready to fucking cry by the end of this story :))


panic attacks, suicide attempt, mentions of rape (just in the first chapter), and strong language/gay slurs!!

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