Chapter 2

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*from Little SiX Fics*

"It's 9:30, shall we get going?" Katherine said as she ate the last square of chocolate.

"Yeah, we probably should, " Anna jumped onto a lower branch.

"We have to be back by 10, don't we?" Katherine copied Anna.

"Um, yeah, I think so."

"It won't take us long to get home, will it?"

"Around 10 minutes or so." Anna jumped onto the ground. Katherine went to follow but was distracted by a barking dog, and couldn't control her landing. She fell on her knee and a sharp pain shot threw her leg.

"Wolfie, quiet!" They heard a woman say in the background.

"Anna! My leg!" Katherine cried in pain, she sat up and held her knee.

"Um, okay, can you stand up," The young woman tried but collapsed after attempting to put weight on it.

"No," She was in agony at this point and Anna could see this.

"Okay, um, I'm going to call an ambulance, "

~ * ~

"Sorry, for slightly overreacting earlier," Jane said as she turned the tap on to get a drink.

"By the fact you fainted over this, I doubt you were over-reacting. Maybe just a little protective? So to speak. " Catherine propped her back up against the kitchen door.

"What's the time love?"

"Um, 9:56. Why?"

"I told the girls to be home by ten..."

"I'm sure they will be" Catherine interrupted, not want Jane to deteriorate back into the state she was half an hour ago. Catherine saw Anna tried to ring her, so left the room and rang her back.

-Phone Call-

C~ Catherine, A ~ Anna

A: Catherine, can you please tell Jane we won't be back by ten?

C: Um Why?

A: Katherine fell out of the tree, and we think she broke her leg...

C: Oh gosh

A: We've called an ambulance...

C: Hang on a second, you expect me to tell Jane this? I just spent the last 30 minutes trying to tell her this wasn't going to happen!

A: Well, you're married to her so I guess... We're not going to be allowed out the house on our own again, are we?

C: Not anytime soon you're not!

A: Great...

C: Is anyone there yet?

A: Some nice woman called Aimie came over to help,

C: Good, I should probably talk to Jane now,

A: Good luck!

C: I'm going to need it!

Catherine ended the call.

"Jane love, come here please?"

"What's wrong Cath," She said as she shut the door and sat down next to Catherine. Catherine turned to face her.

Catherine's phone chimed.

'Anna Cleves: Update, It's broken, going to the hospital now."

"Um, Kitty and Anna won't be back by 10," Catherine took the same route as Anna to break the news. "Katherine has umm, she's fallen and had an accident" Jane's face turned to horror.

"I knew this would bloody happen!" She got up and started pacing.

"Look, Jane please calm down,"

"I will not calm down, Katherine is severely injured! "

"I haven't even told you what... Oh never mind"

"We are going to the hospital right now!" She unlocked the front door and marched to the driver's side on the car.

"Woah Woah Woah, there is no way I'm letting you drive," She pulled Jane away from the car door and got in herself. Jane didn't see the point in wasting time arguing with her so got in the passenger's seat.


"Thanks for helping Aimie" Katherine spoke as they drove off in the ambulance.

"No problem" She had gotten her friend Natalie to pick up Wolfie so she could go with the two queens as she believed it was her fault Katherine was injured."I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name?" She pointed at Anna.

"Oh, my name's Anna,"


"Oh Anna, have you told Mum yet?"

"Well um, I told Catherine to tell her, there was no way I was doing that..."

"Wait, why can't you tell her Mum? "

Anna showed the video to Aimie. "That's why you can't tell her..."


Catherine and Jane entered the waiting room to find Anna and Aimie sat there.

"Aimie, that's Jane, Katherine's mum, and Catherine," Anna explained, "Jane, Catherine this is Aimie, she helped Katherine."

"Anna, have you heard about Katherine yet?" Jane asked immediately.

"You going to say hello to Aimie love?"

"Oh sorry," Jane regained her composure, "Nice to meet you Aimie,"

"It's alright," Aimie laughed, "I'm sorry about my dog, it just..."

"Don't worry about it," Jane responded. The two older women sat down.

" You guys know a lot of Katherines, how do you always know if someone's talking to you or a different Katherine?"

"When we're in trouble, we get called our full names but normally we all have like nick-names so Katherine Howard nick-name is Kitty or Kat, Catherine Parr's is Cathy and I'm just Catherine,"

"Except when I call you Cath, but only I have permission to do that," Jane rested her head on Catherine's shoulder.

"You're grown women, who 'gets you in trouble'?"

"She does" Catherine pointed at Jane "Jane's the responsible one,"

Katherine emerged from the long corridor with crutches and her left leg in a cast.

"Katherine!" Jane ran up to her and hugged her daughter.

"Hey, Mum,"

The doctor explained to Jane when Katherine needs physio, the fracture clinic and getting the cast off in 10 weeks.

"Do you need a lift Aimie?" Jane offered.

"Um no thanks, my friend's going to be here in a second, but thank you for the offer,"

"We'll wait for your friend, won't we babe?" Katherine said.

"Yeah, if you want to, "

As if on cue, a blond woman walked into the waiting room.

"Hi Natalie," Aimie got up to hug the woman. "Guys I'm so sorry about Wolfie earlier,"

"Please, It's fine," Catherine assured her.

" Oh, well I gave Anna my number so if you want to let me know how Katherine's recovering, you can, "

"Thanks Aimie, see you later!" Jane waved.

"Bye!" Both Natalie and Aimie responded as they left. Jane wrapped her arm around Katherine's neck.

"Come on love, let's get you home,"

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