Chapter 4

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There was a soft knock on the door and Anna stood up to answer it.
"Katherine! We have guests!" She shouted before opening the door.

"Hi! Anne, Cathy, this is Aimie, Natalie and Maiya...? I want to say?"

"Yeah, Maiya, " Maiya replied.
After they all exchanged greetings, Anna left to get Jane and Catherine to come downstairs.

"How are you guys?" Natalie asked as the trio sat down.

"We're alright, aren't we babe?" Parr turned to face Anne.

"Are you two a thing then?" Maiya asked.

"Yeah, we are. Engaged" Anne replied with a smile on her face while Cathy flaunted her ring.

"Ooh, who else is?" Aimie inquired.

"I'm going out with Anna," Katherine answered.

"And Jane and Catherine Seymour are married,"  Parr added as the three other queens walked down the stairs. However, no-one noticed.

"Been married four and a half years, haven't we?" Catherine spoke and all the other's turned to face them.

"When did you get here?" Anne asked.

"Since you started talking about our marriage, "  Jane answered, pointing at Parr. They then walked closer to the group. "Kat, are you o- "  Catherine nudged Jane. "Sorry. Hi guys, " she said to Aimie, Natalie and Maiya.

"Hi Jane, Hi Catherine, " Aimie replied. The three queens that were standing came and sat on the floor. "Is this everyone?"

"No, there are nine of us - the kids are at school and Mary's at work, " Anna replied.

"There are also nine of us living together. Who's like the 'mum' of the house then?" Maiya asked.

"Me, I'm the only one who can last two minutes without causing a fight, Jane answered Maiya's question but spoke to Catherine.

"It's always Anne's fault! Not mine! You're married to me yet you never take my side! Anne's a..." Jane covered Catherine's mouth with her hand.

"Jane, Jane let go, " came Catherine's muffled voice. "Jane, Jane, Jane, Jane" She repeated. She resorted to licking Jane's hand which still didn't work.

"Would anyone like a drink?" Katherine asked as she was going to get her own anyways.

"I'll come too, " Anna added.

"Yes please Kitty, " Anne replied.

"Aimie, Maiya, Natalie?"

"Yes please, and please call me Nat, "

"Yes please Katherine, " Aimie added.

"Mum, where are my crutches?" Katherine asked as she scanned the area she was sitting near.

"They're behind the sofa love, "

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