Chapter 24

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While Edward, Cathy, Millie, Maiya and Anne were playing one of Edward's video games, J'jaye and Catherine were in the kitchen, putting the candles on the cake.

"Jaye'j, can you pass me the lighter thingy?" Catherine asked as she put the last candle in the cake.

"Yeah, catch Cath, " Jaye'j threw the lighter across the room.

"Don't throw it!" Catherine exclaimed as she caught it and began to light the candles.

"Um, out of interest, who bought the cake?"

"Me, why?" J'jaye walked back over towards Catherine.

"Did you check the allergies list?" Catherine asked concerned, both of the youngest girls had a gluten allergy so Catherine and Jane were very weary of checking ingredients in things.

"Yeah, yes, they can eat it, don't worry, " Jaye'j reassured the older woman, placing a hand on her shoulder.

Catherine walked out holding the cake, and Jaye'j turned some of the lights out. 

"Happy Birthday to You, " She began and the others joined in. "Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Edward, happy birthday to you!"  She sat the cake down in front of him and took a step back. They watched as he blew out his candles and cut the first slice.

"Mama, can I have some cake?" Maria climbed onto Catherine. "Please!"

"Yes, of course you can. Edward, can you cut a tiny bit for Maria and then cut it in half so Rach can have a bit as well?"

"Thank you Eddie, " Maria replied innocently, taking the plate from Edward's hands before attempting to run off.

"Maria Seymour, we eat with everyone else, don't we?" Jane chased after her youngest daughter. Rachel was older than Maria by 6 minutes.

"But I was looking for Rachel!" She pleaded.

"Well, shall we look together?" Jane took the young girl's hand.


"Go and ask Mama if she'll look after your cake, " Jane motioned her daughter to go to Catherine and the girl ran to give her the cake.

"Rachel! Where are you?" Maria used her hands to make a megaphone which made Jane giggle. "Rachel!" After a few moments of Rachel not responding to her name, Jane left Maria downstairs with Catherine and went to check the girls' bedroom.

Jane opened the door to find Rachel sat on her bed and quite pale.

"What you doing up here baby?" Jane's face fell at the sight of her own child upset, rushing to sit next to her.

"I don't feel well, " the little girl moved to snuggle into her.

"Well why didn't you come and find me, or Mama?" Jane brushed Rachel's hair out of her eyes.

"It's Eddie's birthday, "

"So? Listen, honey, you can always find us, you know that?" Jane pulled the girl in for a hug and she felt the girl nod. Just then, Jane's oldest daughter walked in.

"Hey Rach, you okay?" Katherine asked as she entered the room, shutting the door behind her.

"I don't feel well, "

"You want a hug?" Katherine bent down to the girl's eye level and opened her arms. Rachel then took the hug and stayed like that with Katherine for a while. Kat watched as Jane mouthed "Thank You, "

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