Chapter 21

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"Natalie Paris, Edward Seymour, can I have my wife's phone back?" Catherine walked over to the pair of them. "Wait, Natalie what are you still doing here, no offence? And Edward, your Mum's going to shoot me if she finds out you're not asleep." Catherine asked, her brain baffled with confusion.

"Um, you two fell asleep while I was here with Ed and then I stayed..." Natalie spoke as Maria woke up crying. Catherine picked her up. Rocking her, Catherine whispered something in Spanish.

"Catherine? What are you saying?" Edward got out of his bed and walked towards her.

"I said, 'it's okay darling," She looked up at the boy, "Your mum and I decided that I would speak to the girls occasionally in Spanish, and Anna would in German and Anne in French. It was Anna who suggested the idea,"

"Oh okay, what time is it Catherine?"

"It's," She looked at her watch,"3:30. You really should be asleep,"

"But the dark's scary!"

"Umm, Catherine, shall I get going now?" Natalie asked, placing a hand on Catherine's shoulder.

"You probably should but thank you so so much Nat,"

"No problem, see you in the morning!" Nat said, shutting the door.

"Can I wake mum up?"

"Edward, I'd rather you didn't," But Catherine was too late, Edward had already jumped on the bed, waking Jane.

"Morning Eddie," Jane spoke softly and smiled.

"Jane, it's half three," Catherine said gently, with Maria still in her arms.

"Why are we all up this early?" Jane asked, getting out of the bed.

"Someone refused to go to sleep," Catherine explained, looking at Edward."To be honest, you got the most sleep out of everyone, well except Rach, but you know."

"Aw, babe, you look shattered, pass Maria here and you go back to sleep," Jane insisted.

"No Jane, I don't mind,"

"Cath, I insist, and Ed, come here," Jane added as Catherine passed their daughter to her.

"Look, Cath and I will always protect you, no matter what, you know that, don't you?"


"So why are you scared sweetheart?"

"Cos, the dark, it's scary mummy," Edward confessed.

"Why don't you snuggle with me and we'll see if that makes you feel better?" Jane proped herself, in the middle of the double bed, up against the head of the bed so Edward could snuggle next to her and she could still safely be holding Maria, Catherine then sat down on the other side of Jane having picked up a crying Rachel.

"Guess this family just hates sleep," Catherine said after Edward had fallen asleep seconds after lying down.

"You're the only exception Cath, you sleep through absolutely everything," Jane exclaimed.

"Exactly, so please wake me when the girls wake in the middle of the night,"

"Oh I intend on it Seymour,"

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