Chapter 18

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Catherine decided it would be best to let Jane sleep; she unzipped Jane's coat so she wouldn't overheat and sat on the other side of their bed.

Her phone became bombarded with messages from fans and friends.

So happy for my mum @CathSeymour36 and @Jane_Seymour! Can't wait to meet my sisters!

Lots of love to @CathSeymour36 and @Jane_Seymour! Love you, girls!

Yay @Jane_Seymour and @CathSeymour36! Isn't this image the cutest thing you have seen?

Thanks, everyone for your kind messages! @Jane_Seymour and the twins are still asleep so I am free to chat for a bit - until someone wakes up!
I honestly can't wait to be a mother again and share my children with the amazing @Jane_Seymour. (See Janie, love you really) lots of love
Catherine Seymour! Xx

Catherine dropped her phone on the bed and as she did so, there was a knock on the door. Catherine, being sensible, walked quietly over to the door and gently opened it.

"Hi Nat, hi Millie," Catherine whispered, leaning against the door.

"Hi Catherine, is anyone awake yet?"

"Natalie, I literally posted a paragraph on insta 2 seconds ago," Catherine rolled her eyes and Millie gave her her famous puppy dog eyes. "Fine you can come in, just please don't wake the kids and if you wake Jane, I'll shoot you." Catherine said sternly, pushing the door fully open.

"Gosh, someone's protective, " Millie said sarcastically.

"Her wife's just had two kids Mils, she's going to be protective." Natalie answered. "Catherine, want a coffee?"

"This'll probably be the only time I'll say this, but yes, I'd love one."

"You've got two babies, you're going to be living on the stuff!" Millie exclaimed. Catherine nodded, the younger woman had a point.

Millie peered over one of the cots and squealed extremely loudly and Jane stirred.

"What did I say about waking people!"

"Technically, I haven't woken anyone. What's this little one's name?" Millie asked.

"That's Rachel, and this is Maria, " Catherine whispered, Maria was awake so Catherine was holding her. Natalie walked in with a cup of coffee.

"OH MY GOODNESS!!!" She squealed.

"Keep. Your. Voice. Down. Paris." And there was another knock on the door.

"So I may have invited a few people over..." Millie confessed.

"Millie! We are in a hotel room! How many people do you think we can fit in here!" Catherine was the one that ended up waking Jane. "Oh, sorry dear, "

Millie unlocked the hotel door to find the three she had invited over: Mary, Katherine and Edward. Edward was originally sharing the same room as Catherine and Jane, but went to stay with Katherine the previous night when Jane was in hospital.

"Mummy!!!" Edward shouted as he ran to Jane and sat on her lap.

"Hi sweetheart, you alright?" Jane asked concerned.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I missed you though." Edward lent against his mother.

"I missed you too, darling,"

Catherine smiled at the mother and son duo.

"Hey Ed, you want to see one of your sisters?" Catherine asked as Edward got off Jane's lap and walked closer to her.

As this happened, Rachel started crying, so Jane picked her up, out of the cot, and began rocking her.

Katherine walked over to the blond queen with Mary.

Once she had managed to calm the baby girl down, she spoke to Katherine.

"You want to hold her, Kat?" Katherine nodded and Jane showed her the correct way to hold her and Katherine snuggled with her younger sister for at least an hour.

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