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Another day of sitting in this room... waiting for something exciting to happen. It was so boring. There were ten of us cat hybrids waiting for placement, eight males and only two females. However, lately everyone wanted more exciting hybrids...foxes, wolves, or even leopards.

I fluffed up my pink chin-length hair and set about grooming my ears and tail. I loved my tail. It was long and thick and sassy looking when it twitched back and forth.

I heard the outside door ding, meaning someone had come to look for a companion. I barely looked up though. It's not likely they'll be looking at me. Female cat hybrids had the reputation of being difficult. Not too many humans wanted to deal with our everyday clinginess, or our aggressive need for mating when we went into heat. I just continued to groom myself, not getting my hopes up.

"So you're going to stay here by yourself?" asked Jin. We had a month long break and the other guys had all made plans with their families or their friends. I would be the only one staying in the dorm for a couple of weeks, at least.

"Yep. But that's ok; I've got something special in mind I want to do while everyone is gone," I answered him. Jin wanted me to watch his sugar glider while he was gone, so he didn't have to either take him to his mother's or hire a pet sitter.

"So can you watch him?"

"I'd love to. You know that. I love him," I said with a smile.

All the guys had pets. A couple of them lived here, but most of them stayed with family members a lot of the time, because of our schedules and touring. I loved animals, but because I had allergies I'd never had a pet of my own.

Two days later, after the last member had left the dorm, I pulled a pamphlet out from my dresser drawer and sat on my bed, looking it over again. I couldn't believe I hadn't thought of doing this before. I looked at my watch and saw I had less than an hour until my appointment. I was going to look into getting a hybrid as a pet and I was pretty excited. Until I had picked up this pamphlet in a coffee shop, I hadn't realized they were non-allergenic, making them a perfect fit for me.

A short time later, I walked through the front door of the hybrid management facility. I stopped and looked around at the sterile bright white walls. Hmmm...very clean. Sniffing the air, I noticed it smelled like coffee. For some reason, I was expecting this place to look and smell more like an animal shelter.

A tall, thin young man rushed over to me with his hand out.

"Hello there! You must be Park Jimin. My name is Hwan. Welcome to Hybrid Heaven," he said, almost too perky and friendly. "You're interested in a hybrid, yes?"

I nodded. Hwan continued talking, "Have you considered what types of hybrids you'd like to learn about? We have several different kinds here. Cats, dogs, rabbits, monkeys, wolves, foxes, tigers; the list goes on and on."

I looked around, thinking about it. "Honestly, I'd like to look around at the different options, but I kind of came in with the idea of getting a cat." He eagerly took my arm, guiding me down a hallway to show me the various rooms where they kept the different species. I knew I definitely did not want anything dangerous... no tigers, wolves, or panthers for me. I wanted something sweet and cuddly.

Hwan talked up the tigers and wolves though, saying how tough I would look walking down the street with one of those, but they just didn't interest me.

"I really think I'd like to check out the cats," I said to him after a while. He frowned at me and rolled his eyes, obviously disappointed in my choice.

"Ok. They definitely aren't as exciting, but let's go look," he finally conceded.

I'm not looking for exciting; I'm looking for comfort and a companion. My life is exciting enough on its own. I want something that feels like home.

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