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"But I don't know how to dance," I objected. "You can't be serious about this, Jiminie. I mean dancing with me for fun is one thing, but entering dance competitions? There has to be someone better. In fact, anyone who's taken a single dance class would be a better partner than I would be."

But he shook his head at me, "No, I want you. At least try, for me? I'm not talking about competing next week; it could be a year or more from now. Poppy, you're the first one I've danced with that feels right. All I want you to do is try."

I thought about it. At least I'd get to spend more time with him after his break. Selfishly, for that reason only, I was tempted to say yes. "I want to make you happy, but..."

"No, there's no but," interrupted Jimin, "just make me happy. Do this for me."

"But I don't want to disappoint you."

"Sweetheart, as long as you try, you can't disappoint me," he said, tipping my chin up and looking down at me, hopefully.

Sighing, I nodded. I didn't understand what would make him think this was a good idea. I had zero dance training. He caught me up and twirled me around.

"We'll start tomorrow morning, bright and early," he said, grinning from ear to ear.

Bright and early... groan. Words that should be stricken from all vocabulary, in my opinion.

We got our things together to go back to the dorm. Jimin grabbed my hand and we left. I knew Mi-cha was there, because I heard her when she got there an hour ago. I wanted to switch to the other side of Jimin, but he firmly held my hand.

When we got to the lobby, instead of immediately going out the door, Jimin headed for the reception desk. I moved myself behind him as much as possible, but he gently pulled me forward. When we got in front of the desk, he let go of my hand and put his arm around my shoulders, standing me dead center in front of Mi-cha. 

"Good morning, Mi-cha. Do you happen to know if they have the schedules made up for next month?" he asked.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Park. If they do, they haven't brought them to me as of yet."

He looked at me and slightly nodded his head in her direction. I knew he wanted me to speak to her, but I shook my head. I didn't need her to like me or be polite to me. I didn't care either way. But he raised his eyebrows and I understood it was now a command.

I took a deep breath, "Hello Mi-cha. That's a lovely blouse you have on. The color really flatters you."

I smiled.


Not even a glance in my direction.

I looked at Jimin and shook my head, pleading with my eyes for him not to say anything to reprimand her. But Jimin does want Jimin wants.

"Mi-cha, Poppy is speaking to you," he said, glaring at her.

She actually rolled her eyes before she looked at me and said in a completely condescending tone, "I'm so sorry. I didn't hear you. I must admit I didn't even notice you standing there, directly in front of me."

"That's ok. I didn't actually mean what I said anyway," I said, turning and walking toward the door, fuming.

"Mi-cha, do you like your job?" Jimin asked her, "Because it doesn't seem like you do. I'll speak to Mr. Bang for you to see if he can find you a job that's more to your liking. I think I heard there's an opening for a night-time cleaning lady."

He turned and followed me out.

I stood by the car, waiting for Jimin to unlock the doors. My ears laid back; my tail bushed up and whipping back and forth. I tried to hold it still, but sometimes it had a mind of its own.

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